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Students-activists of KarIU received letters of thanks for their active citizenship and participation in the events of the KSU «Youth Resource Center» in Temirtau.

[Дата публикации: 25.02.2021, 11:23:31, published by: Әкімшілік]


Students – activists of the Karaganda Industrial University Kamaladinov Bagdat, Khaitova Navruza, Zhanabil Aitolkyn, Zhenisbekova Perizat, Ibraeva Amina, Ibraeva Adina and Sarsenova Zhailygul received letters of thanks from the School of the Young Leader. This project was organized by KSU «Youth Resource Center» in Temirtau.

For a whole year, our guys were trained in the basics of leadership and learned to develop their leadership qualities in various types of social and personality-oriented activities.

The School of Young Leaders is a new platform for disclosing the leadership qualities of young people, as well as an opportunity to meet at a single platform to discuss current topics.

The main goal of this project is to develop leadership potential in youth environments, preserve the ethnocultural identity of young intellectually developed people, as well as expand intercultural communication between them as one of the most important conditions for tolerance in a multinational society of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Communication skills, oratory, partnership skills, the ability to work effectively in a team, achieving their goals – all these are necessary components for a modern person, and all this can also be learned in the «School of the Young Leader».

The curriculum of the School also included lectures, discussions, training seminars, master classes and other relevant forms of education. In connection with the quarantine, many classes were held online.

In addition, for active work during quarantine as a real leader, second-year student Khaitova Navruza received a diploma from the akim of Temirtau Kairat Begimov.

We congratulate our guys and wish them further bright successes!

Press service of KARIU

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25.02.2021, 11:23:31, Әкімшілік Categories: News