[Дата публикации: 24.02.2021, 11:27:09, published by: Әкімшілік]
The priority task of any developed state today is the legal protection of intellectual property, which is a powerful stimulator of progress. In our country, patents for inventions are issued to protect intellectual property.
A patent is a title of protection certifying the exclusive right, authorship and priority of an invention, utility model, industrial design or selection achievement
Scientists of the Karaganda Industrial University are carrying out large-scale work to obtain patents for their inventions. The University annually receives documents of title for intellectual property objects (patent for invention, patent for utility model, certificates protected by copyright and others).
Based on the results of scientific research, they are published in the leading peer-reviewed journals included in the Web of Science, Scopus, RSCI databases.
The University in every possible way supports its scientists and pays all costs associated with obtaining patents for the implementation of the developed methods, technologies and tools by KIU scientists.
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