[Дата публикации: 27.01.2021, 17:05:06, published by: Әкімшілік]
Attention! Almaty School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation University Management, ERG and Tel Aviv University invite students to take part in the BigIdeas Marathon to create and accelerate startups. This marathon is aimed at starting a startup from scratch or accelerating an existing one. This is a unique opportunity for our students. In 12 weeks, the marathon participants will create their own startup, product, service from scratch, or try to scale up a startup that is already operating and working. Each group will be provided with a mentor and will also be assisted by ERG experts and ambassadors. The team should consist of 2 to 4 people. Students of all courses and all specialties can participate. The marathon will take place online. Participation is free. In this regard, we invite everyone to take an active part!
For more information, please contact the Department of International Cooperation by phone: 91-39-01
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