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Results of the information technology Olympiad «CISCO STARS KARAGANDA – 2020» were summed up

[Дата публикации: 04.12.2020, 12:33:42, published by: Әкімшілік]


Today, December 3, 2020, the Olympiad «CISCO STARS KARAGANDA – 2020» on information technologies among students, College teachers and computer science teachers of schools of the Karaganda region ended. The Olympiad is held annually on the basis of the Karaganda industrial University together with the Kazakh Academy of Infocommunications, the Department of education of the Karaganda region and The faculty of information technologies of the L. N. Gumilyov ENU.

The purpose of the Olympiad is to create conditions for supporting gifted students, to spread and popularize scientific and practical knowledge in the field of network technologies among young people, and to generate interest in research and practical activities. In addition, by participating in the Olympiad, students develop a creative approach to solving problems related to building and configuring a network.

The « CISCO STARS KARAGANDA – 2020 Olympiad was held in two stages. 298 students, schoolchildren and teachers registered for the Olympiad. The first round of the Olympiad was held remotely on the Cisco Network Academy platform netacad.com in the form of online testing that determines the level of knowledge of network technologies.

104 participants, including teachers and students of universities and colleges (Karaganda industrial University, Karaganda technical University, CHU) took part in the first round of the «CISCO STARS – 2020» Olympiad» Karaganda Commercial College», College of Economics, business and law of Karaganda economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Zhezkazgan humanitarian College, College of Economics, business and law, CHU «Technological College of Kazakhmys Corporation» , College of Innovative technologies, Karaganda banking College named after Zh. K. Bukenov, Karaganda industrial University-College of technology, Karaganda engineering College, Karaganda professional and technical College, Karaganda higher Polytechnic College), as well as teachers of computer science in schools of the Karaganda region.

According to the results of the first round, 20 participants advanced to the second round.

List of students participating in the 2nd round:

1 Aliev Sergey Sergeevich

2 Timofeev Artem Yurievich

3 Zabrodin Evgeniy

4 Ponomarev Artem Sergeevich

5 Ishbulatov Artur Alikovich

6 Grinishin Dmitry Nikolaevich.

7 Makhanbetova Albina Alimkhanovna

8 Goryachev Alexander Yurievich

9 Dumankyzy Dilnar

10 Krivoruchka Grigory Andreevich

List of teachers of universities, colleges and teachers of schools participating in the 2nd round:

  1. Tauasarova Zhanar Kyzyrkhanovna
  2. Tatykhanova Aida Samatkyzy
  3. Abildina Markhabat Kuatovna
  4. Smirnov Leonid Sergeevich
  5. Zharkymbek Almas Aydosuly
  6. Abeuov Kuanysh Burambaevich
  7. Bektasova Gulmira Sarsenbekovna
  8. Bukenaev Almat Adletovich
  9. Kuzmina Ksenia Gennadievna
  10. Boranbaeva Gulnaz Akhatovna

In the second round, the participants performed online laboratory work on the Cisco Packet Tracer platform.

The winners of the Olympiad among students are:

– Sergey Aliev (Karaganda Technical University) – I place;

– Ishbulatov Artur (Karaganda Technical University) – II place,

Due to the equality of points, the third place was shared by 3 participants:

Grinishin Dmitry (Karaganda Industrial and Technological College) – III place;

Zabrodin Evgeniy (PI «Karaganda Commercial College») – III place;

Ponomarev Artem Sergeevich (KSU «Karaganda Machine-Building College») – III place.

The winners of the Olympiad among teachers are:

Abeuov Kuanysh Burambaevich (MSOPE «Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College named after Alikhan Musin») – 1st place;

Zharkymbek Almas Aidosuly (KSU «Karaganda Industrial and Technological College») – II place;

Tauasarova Zhanar Kyzyrkhanovna (KSU «Secondary School No. 24 in Zhezkazgan») – III place.

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04.12.2020, 12:33:42, Әкімшілік Categories: News