“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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[Дата публикации: 27.11.2020, 14:15:16, published by: Әкімшілік]


Financial Center JSC on the Telegram platform, created a channel for discussing issues related to the conditions and possibilities of obtaining educational solutions, related problems when applying to a bank for a loan, work schedules, locations of branches / branches of banks and contact details of responsible managers issuing a loan in each region, as well as other questions on this topic.

Each paid student, including those who have financial difficulties in paying for tuition, can receive the necessary information on the created telegram channel (group) «Educational Credit Kazakhstan» with an invitation link t.me/fincenterkz and the opportunity to join it to discuss issues lending for their education.

In addition to representatives of Financial Center JSC, Nurbank employees will participate in the telegram channel (group). It is also recommended that student group curators join the channel for closer collaboration.

In case of technical problems related to joining a group or other questions, you can contact the toll-free telephone numbers 8 800 080 28 28 (hereinafter dialing the extension number: 114, 112 or 104).

Brief information on the educational loan.

Educational loan guaranteed by JSC «Financial Center»

In order to expand the availability of education in colleges and universities in Kazakhstan, applicants and students can receive unsecured student loans with a deferral to pay the principal for a period of up to 10 years. The guarantee of the Financial Center under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan acts as collateral for loans.


  • grace period (deferral): repayment of the principal amount is made with the expiration of the term of study and 6 months after the end of the study;
  • long term of crediting: up to 10 years, with the possibility of early repayment without levying penalties;
  • availability of credit throughout Kazakhstan (Nurbank branch in your region)
  • no restrictions on the loan amount (but not more than the cost of training);
  • no restrictions on the choice of educational institution;


Since 1999, more than 65 thousand educational loans have been issued (more than 7 thousand loans under the guarantee)

Approximate calculations:

  • cost of training per year – 400 thousand tenge (for 1 semester 200 thousand tenge);
  • loan term – 10 years;
  • grace period – training period and 6 months after its end

during the period of study 1 semester 3 333 tenge (for each subsequent receipt of a loan for payment for the next semester in the amount of 200 thousand tenge, a monthly repayment of 3 333 tenge is added another 3 333 tenge.)

For more detailed calculations, please contact Nurbank in your region.

Registration steps:

STEP 1 – the applicant / student applies to Nurbank or the Financial Center for consultation, collects the necessary documents and submits them to Nurbank in their region or at the place of study;

STEP 2 – after a positive decision by Nurbank and the Financial Center, a loan agreement is concluded with the bank, and the loan amount is transferred to the account of the educational institution;

To obtain a student loan, one / two co-borrowers are required who have income from their main place of work and pension contributions for the last 6 months.

Additional Information:

Nur-Sultan, Mangilik ave., 18

8 800 080 28 28

Mail: fincenter@fincenter.kz

Website: www.fincenter.kz www.kredit.fincenter.kz

Просмотров: 537
27.11.2020, 14:15:16, Әкімшілік Categories: News