“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

Rector's blog

For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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[Дата публикации: 04.11.2020, 16:42:57, published by: Әкімшілік]


As part of the initiative projects of the Nur Otan party to support older people, a pilot project “Silver University” was launched at Karaganda industrial University.

Older people are invited to study at the University. Since this is a pilot project, at the initial stage, pensioners are offered three areas: entrepreneurship, computer and financial literacy.

In the age of technology, retired students will be taught to use computers and gadgets, so that each of them can get all the necessary certificates or pay for utilities without leaving home. Since older people are often victims of fraud, they will also be taught how to protect themselves and their savings. And for those who want to start a business, it will be useful to learn the basics of entrepreneurship.

As the rector of KarIU Bakhyt Akhatovich Zhautikov noted: «This is training, retraining, advanced training for the elderly. We have the opportunity, we have well-developed educational programs for students, for schoolchildren, for College students, why not teach the older generation? They have a lot of free time. They devoted their entire lives to work and took care of their family. Now their children have grown up, their grandchildren are growing up. They could come and learn from us. In addition, of course, it is necessary to have fun in your free time. We have people who can communicate and teach us how to play chess and checkers correctly. »

Classes at the Silver University will be held twice a week. The schedule will be formed as groups are completed, depending on the number of applicants.

Просмотров: 506
04.11.2020, 16:42:57, Әкімшілік Categories: News