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[Дата публикации: 02.11.2020, 11:39:35, published by: Әкімшілік]


The basis of any scientific research, including doctoral theses, is experimental research based on conducting scientific experiments. At the Department «of metal processing by pressure» of Karaganda industrial University, under the guidance of candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor Ashkeev Zhasulan Amanzholovich, a young scientist Abishkenov Maksat Zharylgasynovich is actively engaged in scientific activities and conducts his scientific experiments on his doctoral dissertation.

The object of research of the doctoral student is the process of obtaining nanostructured long blanks from metal materials necessary for a number of industries. At this stage, Maksat Zharylgasynovich is conducting experimental studies of the process of all-round compression of metal billets in a closed matrix on a PSU-500 hydraulic press, in order to study changes in the metal microstructure. As our doctoral student noted: «In the future, research is planned to be conducted jointly with scientists from Satbayev University (Almaty) and Czestochowa Polytechnic University (Poland) »

Despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic is making its own adjustments in all spheres of human life, including influencing the scientific activities of young scientists, the research team is optimistic about the future prospects for the development of scientific research.

Просмотров: 451
02.11.2020, 11:39:35, Әкімшілік Categories: News