“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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[Дата публикации: 20.10.2020, 12:31:02, published by: Әкімшілік]


the International Prize «Volunteer of the Year», organized by the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The award is based on the following categories:

1) The best volunteer organization;

2) Leader of corporate volunteering;

3) Participation in combating coronary infections;

4) Leaders of sustainable development goals;

5) Best social assistant;

6) For active participation in emergency situations;

7) For active participation in the search for missing persons;

8) For active participation in providing assistance to victims of offences;

9) for active participation in health development;

10) for active participation in health promotion;

11) Contribution to the promotion of knowledge;

12) for contribution to the preservation and protection of the environment;

13) For contributing to the strengthening of peace, friendship and harmony;

14) Contribution to the preservation and development of the historical and cultural heritage;

15) for contributions to zooprotection issues;

16) For contributions to social objectives.

To participate in The award, applicants place qazvolunteer volunteers on a single online platform.kz the following documents in electronic format (DOC, DOCX, PDF):

1) registration application;

2) certificate of state registration for volunteer organizations;

3) a letter of recommendation and a certificate of the applicant’s achievements related to volunteer activities (if available);

4) copies of award diplomas, certificates, letters of thanks related to volunteer activities (if available);

5) copies of articles, publications of the applicant or about the applicant related to volunteer activities (if available).

We remind that The head of state Kassym-Jomart Tokayev proposed to establish the «Volunteer of the year» award at the forum of Kazakh-Russian youth cooperation «Volunteerism – social lift of youth». The international award is aimed at encouraging volunteers and groups of volunteers, domestic and international volunteer organizations that have made a contribution to solving social and public useful tasks.

«Kazakhstan is a country of young people and a country of young people! Our young people are a driving force for progress. The task of all State bodies is to create conditions for successful self-realization of young people and to support good endeavors. In order to stimulate the development of the partnership of volunteer movements of Kazakhstan and Russia, I propose to establish an international prize «Volunteer of the Year». The prize will be a good help for those who generate creative ideas and projects», – said K.-J. Tokayev

The competition is open to applicants from all over the world.

You can find out more about the contest in the Regulation «On the Approval of the Rules of the Award of the International Prize «Volunteer of the Year».

Просмотров: 565
20.10.2020, 12:31:02, Әкімшілік Categories: News