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[Дата публикации: 05.10.2020, 15:14:55, published by: Әкімшілік]


On October 5, 2020, members of the regional information and explanatory group on religious issues held a meeting with first-year students of Karaganda industrial University on the topic “Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism in the youth environment”. Speakers of the meeting was Fateeva Maria Dmitrievna member of the mothers Board of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan, a member of the Peacekeepers, the President of the Council of soldiers mothers of Karaganda region, Nyǵymanov Jandos Áshіmuly theologian of the KSU “Center for the study and analysis of problems of interfaith relations in Temirtau» and Director of the KSU “Center for the study and analysis of interfaith relations in Temirtau» Ýtebaev Nýrlybek Eleýsızovıch.

Maria Dmitrievna Fateeva started her speech with the words of the great writer and educator of the Kazakh people Abay Kunanbayev, who was a passionate fighter for ­the bright future of his people.

It should also be noted и that in the whole world, only in the Karaganda region there is a city with the name of the great thinker – Abay.

During the conversation, Maria Dmitrievna focused on the fact that today the main status of young people is to be useful for the future of Kazakhstan. The most disastrous message for young people, which does not give destructive organizations and radical movements peace, is the stable way of life of Kazakhstan as a secular state, in which 17 delegations of religious denominations based on 4 major world religions live together peacefully.  Because of this, Kazakhstan has been attacked through social networks, which are a real act of terror five thousand sites in forty languages of the world attempt to introduce terrorist trends into the youth environment through recruitment, discord, politics, geopolitics and ideologies, terrorism and extremism. But Kazakhstan has proved to the whole world that despite all the difficulties, rallying together – we are not victorious! Even the title of the article The First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev “When we are United – we are invincible” tells us how important it is to unite, that there should be no other’s troubles, how well to do good deeds, help your neighbor, be able to show mercy and make friends with people. Today, we are inspired by the work of our volunteers, who daily help hundreds of people in difficult situations, as caring citizens prepare hot dinners for law enforcement officers, we are happy when the anthem of our country is sung in all homes, this is the proof of our unity.  The year of youth and the year of the volunteer with their results once again confirmed that the people of Kazakhstan are United, despite all difficulties and conditions. If we analyze the pages of history and time, and especially in the current conditions of the coronavirus infection pandemic, our youth shows by their example how much all Kazakhstanis need to be United in their goals and take the most risk-taking to be useful to the Motherland.

The speakers also told the participants about the current religious situation in Kazakhstan, traditional religions, the emergence of radical religious and terrorist communities, the activities of non-traditional religious beliefs, the distinctive characteristics of new religious movements, methods of recruiting followers and the danger of these movements for society and the individual. They also gave explanations about the responsibility of a person for distributing audio, video, and text materials in social networks containing a call to extremist and terrorist actions and the types of punishment for these offenses.

The event ended with the immortal words of edification of Abay Kunanbayev, which should be in the minds of every Kazakhstani and the main reference points for young men and girls of the 21st century:


The backbiting, lying, boasting, idleness, and extravagance

 – That’s five of your enemies, you know.

But intelligence and kindness, perseverance, modesty and work-trust

– will not betray

Be pure, avoid evil and strive for bright deeds,

So that the mind can live with kindness.

Do not say: « I can’t»

Striving for knowledge of the soul, you will be able to master it

Only by knowledge does man live, only by knowledge does the age move!

Only knowledge is the light of hearts!

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05.10.2020, 15:14:55, Әкімшілік Categories: News