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[Дата публикации: 27.10.2020, 15:30:16, published by: Әкімшілік]


The great writer turned 105 this year. This date was discussed at the round table «Mangilik el alaptary: Iliyas Yesenberlin», which was attended by students KarIU

Ilyas esenberlin is rightly considered the founder of historical prose in Kazakh literature. The value of his books is difficult to overestimate: they are the basis of national insight and self-awareness. The encoded information that is hidden in esenberlin’s books encourages our contemporaries to popularize his work in every possible way.

Ilyas Esenberlin is a writer who awakened the national consciousness of the Kazakhs. His large-scale historical paintings about the history of the Steppe have not lost their significance for modern society. One of the evidences of its popularity is the huge sales of the famous trilogies of the talented author.

Meruert Bagdatovna Akhmetzhanova, Director of the Temirtau language development Center, and Salpenova Madina Meiramovna , Director of the Department for educational work and youth policy of KarIU, addressed the participants of the event with a welcoming speech.

Interesting reports and reports about the life and work of the writer were made by 2nd-year students Ibraeva Amina, Ibraeva Adina and Sarsenova Zhailigul. In their reports, they noted that Ilyas Esenberlin, with his novels “Nomads” and “Golden Horde”, revealed to his contemporaries their origins — the centuries-old tradition of the Steppe, which formed the Kazakhs as a nation, created their spiritual and material culture. He managed to stir up a sense of honor and dignity among the people.

2nd-year student Mendigalieva Uldana, 3rd-year students Alimkhan Darkhan and Akarys Akbota enjoyed an expressive reading of poetry by Ilyas yesenberlin.

For the participants of the event, a quiz was held on the knowledge of the life and work of the writer, the questions of which were answered brilliantly.

Such events allow you to awaken the interest of young people in the work of great writers like Ilyas Yesenberlin, give you the opportunity to get in touch with the events of long-past years, strengthen the Patriotic feelings of young people.


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27.10.2020, 15:30:16, Әкімшілік Categories: News