[Дата публикации: 06.08.2020, 13:18:22, published by: Әкімшілік]
As part of the project of the school of young leader, on August 6, 2020, students – activists of Karaganda industrial University received letters of thanks and valuable gifts for their active citizenship and participation in the events of the KSU “Youth resource center” in Temirtau. For a whole year, our students were trained in the basics of leadership and learned to develop their leadership qualities in various types of social and personal-oriented activities.
The school of a young leader is a new platform for revealing the leadership qualities of young people, as well as an opportunity to meet on a single platform to discuss current issues.
The main goal of the project is to develop leadership potential in the youth environment, preserve the ethno-cultural identity of young intellectually developed people, and expand cross-cultural communication between them as one of the most important conditions for tolerance in the multi-ethnic society of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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