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K.K. Tokayev

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[Дата публикации: 10.08.2020, 11:03:21, published by: Әкімшілік]


Karaganda Industrial University wholeheartedly congratulates all citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the birthday of the great thinker, poet, educator and philosopher, the founder of the new Kazakh national written literature and Kazakh literary language – Abai Kunanbayev!

In honor of the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker Abai Kunanbayev, the approval of the festive date – August 10, Abai Day was good news for all residents of our country!

Abai’s legacy is a priceless treasure. During his lifetime, the outstanding Kazakh poet wrote about 170 works and made more than fifty translations. Thanks to Abai’s creativity, new poetic forms have appeared in national poetry.
Abai was not only the founder of Kazakh written literature, but also a person who introduced a different way of thinking, a different system of self-knowledge. Wisely towering over their time, Abai’s works are as relevant today as ever. The ideas of the great son of the Kazakh steppe have passed all tests with dignity, and the fundamental principles of his work have entered the program of many universities.

The creativity of the great educator Abay Kunanbayev became a source of knowledge and enlightenment for the entire Kazakh people. This is the spiritual wealth of the Kazakh people, which does not lose its age-old significance.

Abai Kunanbayev created about 170 poems and 56 translations, wrote poems, prose poem “Karasoz” — “Words of edification” (“Karasozder”), consisting of 45 short parables or philosophical treatises. Today, his works and works have been translated into 34 languages and will continue to be translated. Because the wisdom of his genius knows no time and space limits.

The role of Abay Kunanbayev’s works in the education of the younger generation and the formation of national ideology is great. We all have a long time to realize the power and greatness of the great poet’s works.

With each new era, new facets of its greatness are revealed, and creativity plays with new colors. Abay will always live together with his native people and for centuries will call the Kazakh country and people to new heights and achievements.

We sincerely congratulate you on Abai Day, the day of the great heritage, the revival of the national spirit. Future generations should follow the path of Abai, and we should all take the best of his ideas and thoughts. Let our Kazakhstan develop and prosper!

Просмотров: 546
10.08.2020, 11:03:21, Әкімшілік Categories: News