“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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[Дата публикации: 11.08.2020, 09:13:37, published by: Әкімшілік]

  I sincerely hope that you and your family have passed this difficult stage of life and are in the safe conditions for your health!

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for your invaluable teaching work in the context of the pandemic, for your brave work and unwavering desire to support our children in any circumstances.

We are going through a very difficult path with you. The coronavirus pandemic has changed all of us, our habitual way of life, and affected almost every family.

A completely different life has come, it has brought new challenges to cope with. Six months ago, we could not imagine that this is possible. We are taking losses. Close people are passing away.

The education and science system is losing the most precious thing – our veterans, fellow teachers, those who made us stronger, wiser and more human.

I am sorry for all those who lost their relatives and friends, and I share your grief. It is now that we are experiencing all these difficulties that we are learning to value our lives, our safety, and the people around us.

Any difficult situation teaches us not to give up, and trials make us stronger and stronger than we were before.

In this difficult time, when it is not easy for everyone, it is vital for us to be one. Unity is our strength. Together we will cope with tasks of any complexity, and most importantly-we will not leave any child without attention.

I want to appeal to everyone who works in the field of education, to you, my colleague!

Now we have a huge responsibility for our children and their future, not only for their knowledge, but also for their health and morale. We must do everything necessary so that they can learn in the safest and most comfortable environment that we can create.

As the Head of state noted, “Teacher is the basis of the education system. The level of education of our children depends on the working conditions created for them.” This is not the first time the President has stressed how important your role is.

I have always believed that all teachers are leaders, in fact, both in school and in life. Today, not only our children and their parents, but the entire country, are looking at us with expectation and hope. Therefore, in the current conditions of uncertainty, our mission is not only to teach, but also to be the agents of stability and confidence. Show patience, kindness, and self-control. Teach this to your students.

All the best will come back. Our doctors and all of us together will cope with the pandemic, and the old life will begin to recover. Until then, we must all be good helpers to both students and their parents, as well as to each other.

There are never many words of gratitude, so I want to thank you again for the great work you did in the fourth quarter. You are a real hero. I feel your strong support and I am sure that tomorrow we will make up for lost time.

We will be able to overcome all the inconveniences, despite the difficulties, both technical and moral.

When we are together, our powers and possibilities are limitless. Hard times pass, strong people win everything! I look forward to seeing you in the new academic year!

Просмотров: 530
11.08.2020, 09:13:37, Әкімшілік Categories: News