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[Дата публикации: 01.06.2020, 18:13:36, published by: Әкімшілік]



June 1, 2020, the head of the center “Career” of Karaganda state industrial University Chepelyan Larissa Vitalievna together with the representative of JSC “Financial center” of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan — Kisebaeva A.E. was performed live for clarification of the rules of practice of young specialists enrolled on the basis of the state educational grant. 148 KSIU graduates took part in the broadcast.

Ainagul Erzhanovna explained to young specialists the rules and procedure of distribution for working out, the possibility of its release and postponement: … ” Since 2017, they have been working out all specialties under the state grant. Currently, in accordance with paragraph 17 of article 47 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “on education”, there are rules of mandatory working out for at least three years after completion of training, for the following categories of citizens:

  1. citizens from among rural youth who have entered within the quota for training in pedagogical, medical and veterinary specialties (starting from 2008) are required to work in state educational organizations, state health organizations, divisions of state bodies that carry out activities in the field of veterinary medicine, or in state veterinary organizations located in rural areas, respectively.
  2. citizens who have entered pedagogical and medical specialties on the basis of a state educational order (starting from 2012) are required to work in state educational organizations and public health organizations.
  3. citizens who have entered the doctoral program of the doctor of philosophy (PhD) program (starting from 2012) on the basis of a state educational order are required to work in higher educational institutions or scientific organizations.
  4. citizens who have studied in other specialties on the basis of a state educational order (starting from 2017) are required to work in organizations, regardless of the form of ownership.
  5. citizens from among rural youth who have entered within the quota for training in pedagogical, technical and agricultural specialties are required to work in the region at the place of training for at least three years after graduating from a higher educational institution.

Joint-stock company “Financial center” is an authorized agent of the authorized body in the field of education to ensure monitoring and control over compliance with the performance of young professionals of their duties to work out and reimburse budget expenditures, in case of failure to work out.

The procedure for sending young specialists and doctors of philosophy (PhD) to work in the relevant organizations is established in the Rules for sending specialists to work, approved by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 30, 2012 No. 390.

The provision of vacancies, distribution, referral to work and subsequent employment are carried out through the interaction of higher education institutions, local Executive bodies, employers and graduates themselves. A Commission for the distribution of young specialists will be created on the University’s platform.

The law provides for cases of self-employment, as well as defines the conditions for exemption from the obligation to work.

If there are no vacant jobs at the time of distribution, young professionals and doctors of philosophy (Phd) are subject to registration as unemployed at the place of residence with the time spent on the register as unemployed in the period of working out.

Among other things, the graduate can be released from working out. The conditions for release or postponement are stipulated in advance by law.

Exemption from the obligation to work under the Law is granted by the decision of the Commission on personal distribution of young professionals (must be confirmed by relevant documents) to the following categories:

1) to persons in case of absence of vacancies in the locality at the place of residence, work or service of the spouse);

2) disabled people of group I and II;

3) persons who have entered for further training in the master’s degree, residency, doctorate (on a paid basis, state order or when entering a foreign educational organization);

4) pregnant women, persons who have, as well as independently raising a child (children) under the age of three years.

Deferral is granted to students upon admission or conscription for military service a young specialist is granted a deferral (on the basis of a written application and supporting document) and for the duration of service, without setting off the time of service in the period of completion.

If you enroll in the master’s program in the year of graduation of the bachelor’s degree, the student is exempt from working for the bachelor’s degree.

For failure to fulfill the obligation to work out, a young specialist is obliged to reimburse the expenses incurred at the expense of budget funds in connection with his training to the national budget (paragraph 17-4 of article 47 of the Law). Ensuring monitoring and control over compliance with the fulfillment by individuals of their obligations to work out or reimburse expenditures of budget funds, in case of non-working out, is assigned to the authorized agent of the authorized body in the field of education (JSC “Financial center”).

Students of our University took an active part in the conversation, receiving detailed answers to their questions.

At the end of the broadcast, the representative of JSC “Financial center” told the participants that graduates of higher education institutions should get a job no later than September 1, 2020.

JSC “Financial center” monitors the process of employment of graduates. If in the year of graduation before the first of September, the graduate did not get a job in the specialty, the financial center sends a notification to the address of residence.

As noted by the representative of JSC “Financial center” Kiselevskugol: — ….”In September of each year, the financial center sends requests to universities to find out how many grantees have got a job in their specialty. For others, the University or employment center is trying to find a job. If the distribution work is found, but the graduate did not show up, the financial center begins the procedure of pre-trial recovery of money (which the state paid for training).

Additional information on working out the state grant students of KSIU can get in the center “Career” of the Karaganda state industrial University (new building office-207), from curators of groups, or by additional contacts of JSC “Financial center” presented during the broadcast.

Presentations, instructions and rules for working out the state grant are freely available on the University’s website in Russian and state languages https://old.tttu.edu.kz//centr-kareracenter-careerkarera-ortali%d2%93i/centr-kareracenter-careerkarera-ortali%d2%93i/trudoustroystvoemploymenttrudoustroystvo/obyazatelnaya-otrabotka/

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01.06.2020, 18:13:36, Әкімшілік Categories: News