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[Дата публикации: 04.06.2020, 15:58:03, published by: Әкімшілік]


June 4 in the School, integrity, student club and student Parliament KSIU participated in an online roundtable “Metalab, armandastar” (“symbols of the hopes and dreams of the people”), dedicated to the Day of state symbols of Kazakhstan. Event organizer: library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy.

The event was attended by leaders of youth organizations, artists, winners of the project “100 new faces of Kazakhstan”, teachers and students of universities and colleges of Kazakhstan, representatives of the pedagogical community. During the event, the importance of state symbols as a key element in the formation of Kazakhstan’s patriotism and national identity was discussed.

The round table was moderated by the Director Of the library of Elbasy, doctor of political science, Professor Amerkhan Rakhimzhanov. Congratulating the participants on the Day of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he noted that this holiday is a special page in the history of independent Kazakhstan, an important stage in the formation of true sovereignty.

State symbols are the most important attributes of the country, embodying national and cultural identity, political values and goals of the state. Determining their significance, the head of State stressed: “State symbols are one of the foundations of our state, our sovereignty. They express a sacred, unifying image of Independence.” Kazakhstan has passed a thorny path to independence, full of hard trials, losses and hopes to proudly raise its own national flag on its native land. The creation of the state symbols was attended by the broadest segments of the population, representatives of the public, scientists and ordinary citizens. The First President of Kazakhstan, Elbasy N. A. Nazarbayev, also contributed to their creation. State symbols are a solid Foundation of Kazakhstan’s patriotism, selfless love for the Motherland, an integral part of citizenship and continuity of generations. Let the blue flag with the Golden sun and the soaring silhouette of an eagle fly proudly in all corners of the world, and our anthem will be recognized by the entire world community. Respect the state symbols of our country and be proud of them! – he emphasized.

The world-famous singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist, Honored worker of Kazakhstan Dimash Kudaibergen addressed his video message to the participants of the round table and all Kazakhstanis:

– Dear compatriots! I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Peace and prosperity to our country and our people. Let our country prosper by achieving its goals. Let our cherished dreams come true, and our country will always be on top!

Executive Director of the youth Congress of Kazakhstan Tokhtar Bolysov, whose speech was dedicated to the significance of state symbols for young people, noted that the main idea of celebrating the Day of state symbols is to strengthen the patriotism of young people and the unity of all Nations, promote the values and achievements of an independent country.

According to the Chairman of the Republican youth movement of the APK “Zhangyru zholy” – the Chairman of the Republican youth organization “Zharasym” Timur Dzhumurbayev, state symbols are an important element of social harmony and national unity. “For all of us, no matter what ethnic group we belong to, the state symbols of Kazakhstan are a reason for pride and respect,” he said.

The Director of “Ulan-allerdale”, member of the Council on youth policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Valium Makerov spoke on “the Role of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the education of youth”, Director of school-Lyceum №54, the winner of the project “100 new faces of Kazakhstan” presented the report ” Education based on national values “, actor of “Zhastar” theatre, one of the founders of the volunteer organization “gold zhebe”, the winner of the project “100 new faces” made a report ,topic 2nd year student of the Department of political science of ENU L. N. Gumilev, a volunteer library in the State Unarguable – “State symbols as the beginning of consolidating the Patriotic education of youth”.

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04.06.2020, 15:58:03, Әкімшілік Categories: News