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[Дата публикации: 06.05.2020, 15:56:38, published by: Әкімшілік]



On may 5, KSIU hosted an online teleconference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war and the 100th anniversary of Hero of the Soviet Union Nurkenaabdirov. The event was organized by members of the “NurOtan” party of KSIU and Karaganda higher Polytechnic College

The event was attended by Honorable guests: Deputy Chairman of the Soviet of the Kazakh community of Moscow, Professor of Moscow Institute of steel and alloy Toleshev A., head of the Department “Finance and accounting” Astrakhan state technical University, Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Finance of the Astrakhan region, Honorary Professor of the Karaganda state industrial University Arykbaev Ravil Karimovich police Colonel in resignation, the nephew of Hero of the Soviet Union Nurkenovich, the excellence of the Soviet militia, in the past, Deputy of the city Council of people’s deputies Abdirov Abubakir Sarsenovich, rector of the Karaganda state industrial University Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich, Director of the Karaganda higher Polytechnic College Rakhimova Zhanara Sekenovna.

In addition, the event was attended by teachers and students of the Moscow Institute of steel and alloys, Astrakhan state technical University, Karaganda state industrial University, Karaganda higher Polytechnic College and other universities and colleges in Kazakhstan and Russia.

In his greeting, the rector of KSIU Zhautikov B. A. noted that the event is held with the support of the regional and city branches of the party “NurOtan”. He also said that on the eve of the Victory anniversary, our University has opened a Gallery of glory of Kazakhstani heroes who fought on the fronts of the great Patriotic war.

The event started with a viewing of an excerpt from the documentary “Noncanadian. My youngest son.”

The memory of the national hero Nurken Abdirov, a modest guy with a brave heart, has been kept by his family and friends for many years. His memories of uncle shared Antirevolutionaries. He, along with my grandmother, mother Nurkenovich, visited places where people had died Noncanadian.

In the village of Veshenskaya they met with the famous writer Mikhail Sholokhov, who for many years tended the hero’s grave. I only asked the writer Bagzhan-apay to perpetuate the feat of Alexander Komissarov, a radio operator who died with Abdirov. Her request was fulfilled and Alexander was awarded the order of the Patriotic war posthumously. On Mamayev Kurgan, a marble slab with the name of Nurken Abdirov is installed. And the name of the pilot in gold letters is included in the list of defenders of the Motherland of the Museum on Poklonnaya Gora in Moscow.

According to statistics, Kazakhstan lost more than 400 thousand people in the war, a lot of them were left lying in the places of bloody battles. In Russia, there are many organizations that carry out difficult, but very important work: they are searching for relatives of soldiers from Kazakhstan who died during the second world war. One of the activists of such an organization is Toleshev Asylbek Kuantaevich-Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Kazakh community of Moscow. In his speech, Asylbek Kuantayevich told about the feat of Kazakhstanis on the battlefields, shared the results of the work carried out to search for the remains of soldiers. Most recently, during the next expedition of the Russian search party “Istok”, the remains Medet Amanzholov were found. A “death medallion” with biographical data was found at the site of the battle, thanks to this, the hero’s relatives were found, currently they live in the regional center and the village of Agadyr.

Very informative reports were prepared by students. A student of the Karaganda higher Polytechnic College Mantureevaaniz told about interesting facts from the life of Nurken Abdirov, she showed an archive certificate that the hero studied at their College.

Students of the Astrakhan state technical University Bocharnikova Marina, Mukhambetov Damir and Dzhumakhatova Nadiya told about the feat of Astrakhan soldiers Ajimovatulebay, Begimovamadi and Musayev Mukat. Elefteriadu Savely, student KSIU, devoted his speech to the heroism of the soldiers of Samarkand. Many soldiers went to war from the small village of Samarkand (now the city of Temirtau), many died.

In memory of the victorious spring of 1945, the song was performed by a student of the Karaganda state industrial University Kenesbekov Aslan.

The event ended with a minute of silence.

Rector of KSIU Zhautikov B. A. thanked everyone for participating in the teleconference and noted that the event will be the next stage of mutual cooperation between universities and colleges of Kazakhstan and Russia, aimed at fostering patriotism in the younger generation.

The press service of KSIU

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06.05.2020, 15:56:38, Әкімшілік Categories: News