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[Дата публикации: 11.05.2020, 18:04:38, published by: Әкімшілік]


2020 is the year of the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The highest price was paid for the Victory – the price of life. In the fate of every family, the war left its mark. Victory Day is a holiday uniting generations.

On May 9, 2020, at the Karaganda State Industrial University, the jury summed up the results of the online military-patriotic song contest dedicated to the 75th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Songs of the war years are a special chronicle of their time, these are songs about heroism, courage, and stamina. If in the pre-war years the song helped “build and live,” during the war it helped “live and fight.”

The purpose of the competition is to promote the best examples of military-patriotic songs.

8 students of our university went to the finals of the online competition:

1 participant – Eleftheriadi Saveliy.

2 participant – Kylyshbaeva Nurgul.

3 participant – Spiridonova Tomiris.

4 participant – Mendіgalieva Uldana.

5 participant – Menei Yerkanat.

6 participant – a duet of Almat and Maksat.

7 participant – Kenesbekov Aslan.

8 participant – Kudrevatykh Edward.

All participants of the contest came up creatively to perform patriotic songs. The entries in their format were very interesting. Many participants performed their works accompanied by musical instruments: Eleftheriadi Savely accompanied himself to the piano, and Kudrevatykh Eduard, the duet Almat and Masat performed songs with a guitar.

The competition was held on the social network instagram @studenttik_parlamentt KSIU. The organizer of the event was the student union committee together with the youth affairs committee.

In order for the contest to be 100% fair, everyone could leave their voice with their favorite video, but with the condition that “One person votes only once”. Each participant was assigned a serial number. Also, their opinion was expressed by members of the jury consisting of: M. Salpenova – Director of the Department for EW and MP, Karipbaeva A.R. – Chairman of the KSIU trade union committee, Kapasheva Zh.K. – Dean of the School of Integrity, N. Nurmakhanova – Chairman of CYA, Zulkhaydar Yerkhan – chief sardar of KSIU, who took into account the views of subscribers – students.

In making its decision, the jury was guided by the following criteria: musicality, artistic interpretation of a musical work; purity of intonation and sound quality; the beauty of timbre and the power of voice; the embodiment of military-patriotic themes, stage culture; the complexity of the repertoire; the correspondence of the repertoire with the performance capabilities and age category of the performer; performing skills, creating an appropriate image.

According to the results of the competition, the places were distributed as follows:

1st place was taken – Mendіgalieva Uldana (prize – 15 thousand tenge).

2nd place was taken by Aslan Kenesbekov and Nurgul Kylyshbaeva (prize – 10 thousand tenge).

3rd place – Menei Yerkanat, Spiridonova Tomiris, duet Almat and Maksat (prize – 8 thousand tenge each)

Students ’Eleftheriadi Savely and Kudrevatykh Eduard received a prize of audience sympathy (prize of 5 thousand tenge).

The competition was held at a fairly high level. The winners were awarded with diplomas and cash prizes from the trade union committee of students of KSIU.

The organizers thank all the participants for the creative approach and activity.


Press Service of KSIU


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11.05.2020, 18:04:38, Әкімшілік Categories: News