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[Дата публикации: 30.04.2020, 11:10:14, published by: Әкімшілік]


On April 29, 2020, Karaganda state industrial University held the Republican subject Olympiad in the field of metallurgy, which was held for the first time in a remote format.

The Olympiad was attended by 11 teams (42 participants) from 8 universities of Kazakhstan that are training in the field of metallurgy. To ensure the transparency of the Olympiad, 42 observers were attracted from among the representatives of participating universities and the student club “Sanalyurpak” of KSIU. The Olympics were also broadcast on the YouTube channel.

According to the results of the Olympiad in the individual competition took:

1 place — Shadrin Yuri Ivanovich Eurasian University of Innovation
2 place —Shikaeva Aizhan Tasbulatovna  Pavlodar State university named after Toraigyrov
Esentai Ulan Serikboluly KSIU
3- place —Esembaeva Kamila Bolatkysy East-Kazakh state technical university named after Serikbaev
—Bolatov Rustem Askarovich East-Kazakh state technical university named after Serikbaev
—Adaibaevaa Rysgul Almasovna regional state university named after Zhubanov Aktubinsk

In the team competition places were distributed as follows:

1 place East-Kazakh state technical university named after Serikbaev
2 place regional state university named after Zhubanov Aktubinsk
3- place Pavlodar State university named after Toraigyrov

The KSIU team as the organizer of the Olympiad participated out of competition.

Congratulations to the winners! We Express our gratitude to the rectors of universities, team leaders, observers and participants of the Olympiad.

Просмотров: 745
30.04.2020, 11:10:14, Әкімшілік Categories: News