[Дата публикации: 02.04.2020, 10:41:47, published by: Әкімшілік]
Karaganda State Industrial University with the introduction of a state of emergency in the Republic on March 16, 2020, transferred all full-time students to training using distance technologies.
The teaching staff of the university has done a lot of preliminary work on the development of digital content of the disciplines read. At the beginning of the school year, video lectures, electronic textbooks, educational and methodical complex, cases, and virtual laboratory work were recorded, which helped to quickly organize the educational process in the state of emergency.
The main platform for communication between teachers and students is the platonus automated information system, which provides quick and convenient access to teaching and multimedia materials of disciplines.
Teachers use the Zoom platform to deliver lectures in an online format.
The university has a call center for quick communication and answers to questions.
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