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[Дата публикации: 13.03.2020, 12:02:44, published by: Әкімшілік]



On March 11, 2020, a single curatorial hour was held for students of 2-3 courses, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the great Patriotic War and the 110th anniversary of the birth of a prominent commander, national hero, Panfilov’s, writer and patriot of his country – Bauyrzhan Momyshuly. The event was organized by teachers of the Department of «Technological machines and transport»  Estembek Yerbol Serikovich, Gulnar Dzhumadulayevna Isabekova and Kuatkhan Alibekovich Azimbayev.

The purpose of the event: to reveal the historical role of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly; to educate students in moral traits of character, patriotism, love for the Motherland, pride in heroes, a sense of gratitude and a sense of internationalism.

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is one of the brightest personalities in the history of Kazakhstan of the XX century. And it is not only that during the great Patriotic war, he proved to be a heroic warrior, but also a talented commander. He took part in the fighting from September 1941 as part of the 316th rifle division under the command of major General Ivan Panfilov. In 1942, captain Bauyrzhan Momyshuly was presented with the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his courage and heroism in the battle of Moscow, but was awarded it only posthumously on December 11, 1990.

Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is also one of the first writers of Kazakhstan, writing in both Kazakh and Russian. He wrote his first work-the story “Our family” while serving in the army. This story was awarded the state prize of Kazakhstan. I would like to note that in his books Momyshuly always tried to show the formation of the Kazakh as a citizen and a Soviet warrior, the formation of a military character in him, to convey his inner world and intellectual appearance, the mass heroism of people in labor and in battle, to show the embodiment of friendship of peoples.

Yernur Yelbosynov, a student of the TTTT-17K group, opened the curatorial hour by reading a monologue dedicated to all those who gave their lives for victory in the brutal great Patriotic war.

The event was hosted by Sharip Farida and Talgat Nurhat, during which, together with the speakers, they fully revealed the image of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, telling the participants in detail about the life of a talented writer and a bright person, who in difficult times was distinguished by such character traits as: endurance, bravery, fortitude, selfless service to his duty, love of the Motherland, heroism, honesty and justice.

The Quartet of students of 3rd year Kozhan Daulet, Esbosynov Yernur , Kadyrov  Galymzhan, Sydykov Temirlan performed the song “Baurzhan Momyshuly Arnau”.

Oryzbaeva Gulnur, Altynbek Akbota, Lesbaev Bereket, Nurzhanuly Shamshi read the poem «Tyrnaktap zhina ar zherden» , «Eskertpe», «Batyr baba Baurzhan» and «Ana tilin ardakta».

Kulatay Uldanai performed “Beibit kun tlegi “.

Summing up the event, the participants noted that today there is not a single person in Kazakhstan who does not know the name of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, and would not be proud of him as their national hero. Until now, no less than a hundred akyns, writers, journalists and scientists devote their poems, essays, articles and research to him. And how many legends our Kazakh people made about him during his lifetime! Yes, happy should be the Batyr, whose name is glorified in the people, and life is sung, turning it into a legend!

Life  of Momyshuly is an example of his military valor and creative activity, which formed the basis of such works of art as: the stories of A. Nurshaikhov: “Truth and legend” and A. Bek “Volokolamsk highway”.

The event culminated in a minute of silence in memory of those who died fighting fascism.


The press service of KSIU

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13.03.2020, 12:02:44, Әкімшілік Categories: News