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[Дата публикации: 11.02.2020, 15:19:37, published by: Әкімшілік]


«It is the duty of young people to challenge corruption»

Kurt Cobain

Today, on 11.02.2020, a discussion on «Corruption as a social phenomenon» was organized for second-year students of the Karaganda state industrial university. As part of the work plan of the school of integrity, the lecture was delivered by Vladimir Cherkashin, senior teacher of the department of HK, SHD.

The purpose of the study is to give a general idea of various forms of corruption, its manifestation as a social phenomenon; features of its manifestation in various spheres of life, causes, and harmful consequences of this phenomenon; to form skills for adequate analysis and personal evaluation of this social phenomenon based on the principle of historicism; to form a set of knowledge in corruption situations that ensure behavior in accordance with legal and moral and ethical standards; to stimulate motivation of anti-corruption behavior among students.

During the speech, the lecturer told the audience about the history of corruption, measures of punishment of corrupt officials in the middle ages and the Renaissance, as well as methods of combating this crime at the stage of modern history. Special attention was paid to the causes and consequences of corruption in modern society. The main reasons were identified as economic, institutional, and socio-cultural reasons. The negative consequences of corruption in the economic, political, and socio-spiritual spheres of society are also noted and listed.

Summing up, it was noted that the fight against corruption is really our common duty. Only through joint efforts of both state and public authorities can any significant results be achieved.

If today’s young people do not join the ranks of corrupt officials, then in a generation there will be no trace of corruption without any struggle.

The press service of KIU

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11.02.2020, 15:19:37, Әкімшілік Categories: News