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K.K. Tokayev

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[Дата публикации: 17.02.2020, 16:05:49, published by: Әкімшілік]

  Volunteer work is relevant at all times: it has been, is and will be, regardless of whether the general public focuses on it or not. As an example, almost all social projects have people who work voluntarily, free of charge and for the benefit of society.

At the initiative of President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, the year 2020 in Kazakhstan was declared the year of the volunteer. On February 12, as part of the year of volunteers, the Head of state officially launched the republican front office of volunteers «BIRGEMIZ», located in the «Art Hub» pavilion on the territory of the EXPO.

Opening the front office, our President stressed that selfless acts and good deeds are our tradition that goes back centuries.

«Our people have a wonderful custom that unites people-Asar, which has not lost its significance for many centuries. As they say, the load lifted by common efforts is light.» To unite people, to serve the people-this is the key goal of the volunteer movement,» said Kasym-Jomart Tokayev.

According to the head of state, volunteerism in Kazakhstan is gradually taking on a national scale.

During the opening of the front office, the work of the online platform was presented “QAZVOLUNTEER.KZ” and sites in 7 industry areas of volunteering: “Bilim”, “Qamqor”, “Úmit”, “Sabaqtastyq”, “Taza Álem” and “Saúlyq”, where our President agreed to accept the status of honorary Ambassador of the volunteer movement.

Within the online platform “QAZVOLUNTEER.KZ” since 2019, the project “Social student credit” has been operating in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in which university students can receive monetary compensation and transfer academic credits for the results of socially useful work. Full-time students are provided with the following types of social student credit: a loan of 20 thousand tenge for 20 hours of activity; a loan of 50 thousand tenge for 50 hours of activity.

On February 13, 2020, Karaganda state industrial university held an informational and explanatory conversation with students who expressed a desire to become members of the volunteer movement.

Madina Meiramovna Salpenova, director of the department for educational work and youth policy, presented a detailed presentation of the social student loan, where every willing student volunteer can register online and join volunteer activities by choosing their own direction, such as assistance in orphanages and nursing homes, etc.

During the meeting, students – activists of the volunteer movement of our university Yulia Golubeva and Temirkhan Nurbol also addressed the participants of the event, explaining the main goals and objectives of volunteer activities, as well as telling personal stories about their volunteer activities.

Since January 2020, 5 students-volunteers of our university have successfully passed all the project conditions and received 20 thousand tenge. Since November they worked on the program “Social student loan” within the republican charitable project “Victory”, which is aimed at forming and developing an understanding of the values relations between the children and the older generation; to promote the involvement of target groups in the educational process; the introduction of new social technologies of psychological support of the elderly; stimulating them to an active, interesting and long life by organizing joint leisure activities for the elderly and children in the city of Temirtau.

In the city of Temirtau, today there is a volunteer organization “Shanyrak” at the Temirtau youth club, in which more than 200 active students are involved in the volunteer movement. Volunteers of our university actively help in orphanages, visit veterans of the second world war and home front workers left without the care of relatives, do charity work, help the police in searching for missing people, participate in socially significant projects in our city, and conduct a huge number of events a year.

I would like to note that the end of the year of the volunteer will be the international award of the President of our country “Volunteer of the year”, which involves the promotion of the best volunteers and volunteer initiatives that have contributed to the development of Kazakhstan and the solution of socially important issues.

Everyone who wants to become a volunteer can contact the Director of the DEW and YP Salpenova M. M. in the office 205 of the new building of the KGIU DEW and YP or to the leading specialist of DEW and YP Popova N.E.
new building, office-200.

The press center of KSIU

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17.02.2020, 16:05:49, Әкімшілік Categories: News