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The first paid UNT – 2020 passed at KSIU

[Дата публикации: 18.01.2020, 16:51:59, published by: Әкімшілік]


On January 18, 2020, the first paid Unified National Testing of 2020 was held at the Karaganda State Industrial University.

Testing in the Republic of Kazakhstan will be held from January 18 to January 20, 2020.

643 potential applicants submitted applications for participation in UNT to our university, the first stream – 350 applications, the second – 293.

From early morning, students from schools of the city of Temirtau and the village of Aktau gathered in the lobby of the university, who came to test their knowledge and improve the result. Parents and school teachers supported the children. Schoolchildren, in turn, recognized that for them this is not just a test of themselves and their knowledge, because many of them want to receive a training grant in the future, and a certificate for passing both winter and spring UNT gives the opportunity to study only for a fee.

When admitted to UNT, the students underwent a thorough and rigorous examination, during which, for non-compliance with the established rules, two applicants were not allowed to pass the test, and during the UNT, one applicant was removed due to the use of a mobile phone. Our university works on the principle of integrity and academic honesty.

According to the approved rules for participating in UNT, applicants with mobile devices and gadgets are not allowed, therefore, for convenience, each UNT participant could voluntarily hand over his phone and pass control when entering the test without any problems.

The format of the Unified National Testing remained the same; an online broadcast was organized from all audiences, which were provided with jammers for mobile devices and video surveillance.

On the spot, a state commission was established to organize and conduct the UNT, which included: Suleimenova Alia Maratovna – senior officer of the Preference and Integrity Department of the Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda Region; Bykov Vladimir Anatolyevich – representative of the Special Monitoring Group at the Department for Combating Corruption in the Karaganda Region; Lee Alexey Igorevich – Chairman of the NGO Temirtau Youth Club; Sivyakova Galina Aleksandrovna – Deputy Chairman of the State Commission, Vice-Rector of the Karaganda State Industrial University; Baimagambetova Altynay Khamitovna – the head of the group of representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the head of Pof UNT-724, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and law enforcement agencies of Temirtau.

It should be noted that, from 2019 in the Republic of Kazakhstan it is possible to take UNT four times a year: in January, March, June and August.

Participation in the January, March and August UNT entitles the applicant to enter the universities of our country only for a paid department. If the applicant wants to receive a state grant, then he must pass the June UNT, and only after its results he can participate in the competition for a grant.


KSIU PressService

Просмотров: 569
18.01.2020, 16:51:59, Әкімшілік Categories: News