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The priority areas of educational work in universities are identified

[Дата публикации: 19.01.2020, 01:08:11, published by: Әкімшілік]


On January 17, 2020, on the basis of al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a meeting was held on the organization of educational work in universities under the chairmanship of the director of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Adlet Toibaev. The meeting was attended by vice-rectors for educational work of the country’s universities, from KSIU the director of the department of educational work and youth policy Madina Salpenova took part in the meeting.

During the meeting, special attention was paid to the activities of schools of integrity of universities, the head of the republican project office “Sanaly Orpak” Kaiyrzhan Tokushev focused on this. He noted that, despite the work begun to promote the idea of ​​integrity and academic honesty, not all universities are doing well. There is a formal approach to the work, there are no university documents regulating the issues of anti-corruption education of young people and the development of ideas of integrity and openness. Among the positive examples, he cited the Karaganda State Industrial University, which in November 2019 held the Republican scientific and methodological conference “Education Transformation: Content, Technologies, Quality” dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the topic of preventive approaches to the ideology of integrity and the third mission of universities was devoted separate section chaired by Kaiyrzhan Akhmetbekovich Tokushev. Also at the plenary session of the conference, his report was heard on the topic: “Formation of an anti-corruption culture as a factor in promoting intolerance to corruption”. It is also worth noting that in December 2019, a decency school was opened at the KSIU with the participation of honored guests of the chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption Alik Zhatkambaevich Shpekbaev, akim of the Karaganda region Zhenis Makhmudovich Kasymbek.

Kaiyrzhan Akhmetbekovich warned universities against formalism and noted the importance, relevance and timeliness of the ongoing work on the formation of an anti-corruption policy. He also noted that the republican project office of “Sanaly Urpak” is ready to provide the necessary methodological and practical assistance to universities in this.

Within the framework of the meeting, priority directions of educational work in universities were discussed, recommendations on the organization of educational work developed by the Vice-Rector for Social Issues of KazNU named after al-Farabi Sholpan Dzhamanbaleva were considered. The rector of Suleyman Demirel University, Kuanysh Ergaliev, managing director for social development of the University of International Business Bakhtiyar Sabdenaliev, vice-rector for science and innovations of North Kazakhstan State University Akmaral Ibraeva shared their experience with colleagues. The results of the questionnaire on identifying social well-being among university students were made by the director of the Center for Sociological Research and Social Engineering of KAZNU named after al-Farabi Gulmira Abdirayimova.

Following the meeting, Adlet Zhunisovich gave a number of instructions and recommendations aimed at improving the effectiveness of educational work in universities. He noted that universities, taking as a basis the results of a survey to identify social well-being among students, should review the work being done. The practice of social measurements of students’ well-being will continue and will serve as a kind of indicator of the work carried out by universities.


Press Service of KGIU

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19.01.2020, 01:08:11, Әкімшілік Categories: News