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Solemn meeting dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at KGIU

[Дата публикации: 11.12.2019, 19:42:30, published by: Әкімшілік]


On December 11, a gala event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held at the Karaganda State Industrial University.

The honorary guests of the solemn meeting were the President of the Kazakh Academy of Infocommunications, Doctor of Economics, Academician of the International Academy of Communications Seilov Shakhmaran Zhurnsinbekovich, corresponding member of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science and technology, holder of orders “Parasat”, “Badge of Honor”, ​​“Kurmet” Sarekenov Gabidolla Zulgashevich, holder of the orders “Parasat” and  “Kurmet”, as well as the badge “ For special services to KSIU ”Kuanish Omashuly Omashev, veteran of the plant, honorary metallurgist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holder of the orders of the Red Banner of Labor and Kurmet, holder of the medal of the Republic of Kazakhstan ”Eren ebegi үshіn”, “ Enbek danky”, medals in honor of the 10th anniversary of Astana and the badge “For Special Merits to the KSIU” Iskakov Toktarkhan Ibraevich, veteran of the plant, holder of the orders “ Kurmet ” and “Enbek Danky”, the holder of the badge “For Special Merits to the KSIU” Yermek Ibrailuly Tuleubaev and the veteran of the combine, and  “Enbek Danky  3rd  degree”, winner of the badge “For Special Merit to KSIU” Nikonov Viktor Alekseevich.

The rector of KSIU Bakhyt Akhatovich Zhautikov made a congratulatory speech, noting that “… Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the main holiday for all Kazakhstanis, united by a sense of responsibility for the fate of their country and constituting a single people of Kazakhstan …”.

During the meeting, the president of the Kazakh Academy of Infocommunications Seilov Shakhmaran Zhursinbekovich was awarded the title “Honorary Professor of the Karaganda State Industrial University” by the decision of the Scientific Council of KSIU.

The badge of the Ministry of Education and Science “For Special Merits in the Development of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was awarded to the head of the department “Chemical Technology and Ecology” Kabieva Saule Kazzhanovna.

For the contribution to the development of higher education and the training of qualified specialists, she was awarded the silver medal of Akhmet Baitursynova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Professor Sivyakova Galina Aleksandrovna and the bronze medals of Akhmet Baitursynova were awarded the chairman of the trade union committee of KSIU, senior lecturer of the department “Natural sciences” KaripbayevaAizhan Ryskeldinovna “Construction”, Professor Bazarov Baurzhan Anuarkhanovich.

By tradition, a ceremony was held to award students, faculty and staff of the university with honorary diplomas and letters of appreciation from the rector of KSIU.

At the end of the event, the rector of  KSIU once again congratulated the faculty and staff of the university who received well-deserved awards on the eve of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and noted that, “… Today Kazakhstan is an accomplished young state whose achievements are recognized by the international community. And most importantly, our country has huge potential and development prospects! But stability, civil peace and interethnic harmony remain the main value and wealth for all Kazakhstanis! And it is for us, the new generation, to build an independent and prosperous Kazakhstan! … ”

In honor of the celebration of Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a festive concert was given as a gift from the Kali Bayzhanov Concert Association to invited guests and employees of KSIU.


Independence Day is a special holiday, it is in the heart of every citizen. May our Motherland, the Republic of Kazakhstan, live and prosper!


Press Service of KSIU.


Просмотров: 652
11.12.2019, 19:42:30, Әкімшілік Categories: News