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[Дата публикации: 10.12.2019, 09:36:28, published by: Әкімшілік]


As part of the program “Rukhani zhangyru” December 7, 2019 students debate team “Abadan” KSIU took an active part in the regional debate tournament “Bolashak zhastary” (Karaganda) and won another bright victory!

In the competition, the strongest debaters of higher educational institutions of Karaganda region showed their oratory.

Our team was represented by students:

  • Zhumali Nurikamal– st of gr .MS-18K
  • Abdirah Hazerke– st of gr TFP-19K
  • Bederov Alikhan – st of gr.TOMD-17K
  • Rakhymzhan Omirzhol– st of gr.M-16K
  • Tazhikov Konysbek– st of gr.S-17K

* Abay Karakoz- st of gr TFP-19K

According to the results of the tournament the winning places were distributed as follows:

1 place-KSIU;

2 place KHSH MVD;

3 place-KSU

In the nomination “the Best faction” of the tournament, the victory was won by the faction “Zhastar zhylyna nukte” student debater group C-17K KSIU- Tazhikov Konysbek. In addition, for participation in the debate tournament, a letter of thanks was awarded to another of our faction “220 Volt” under the guidance of a student of the group TFP-19K KSIU- Abdirah Hazerke

This is the FOURTH victory of our debaters in the next month!

As noted by our students, the debate was held at a fairly high level.

The winners and prize-winners of the debate tournament were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes. All participants received letters of thanks.


The press service of  KSIU

Просмотров: 595
10.12.2019, 09:36:28, Әкімшілік Categories: News