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Students of KSIU met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan Niyazkhodzhaev Saidikram Parakhatovich

[Дата публикации: 15.11.2019, 15:14:59, published by: Әкімшілік]


On November 15, 2019, Karaganda state industrial university hosted a meeting of students-citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan with Ambassador Extraordinary And Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan Niyazhodzhayev Saidikram Parakhatovich and Consul of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan.

The meeting had fact-finding character . During the event, Mr. Niyazhodzhayev noted the importance of trust provided by the leadership of the Karaganda state industrial university  with Uzbek side, and held awareness-raising discussion on matters relating to consular registration and travel, spoke about the work being done by the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan, encouraged the students to be good citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, but at the same time follow the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to be polite, responsible, as the main task of students today – this is to finish a decent education at our University, get a diploma and become a highly qualified specialist.

Mr. Ambassador then spoke about the events held within the framework of cultural exchange between the two countries, focused on the upcoming elections to the Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan, spoke about how students studying at our University, who are citizens of Uzbekistan, can cast their votes in future elections. During the conversation, he gave information about the upcoming events aimed at cultural exchange between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, noted the common interests of the two countries, stressed that Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are friendly countries, and that on any emerging issues, citizens of Uzbekistan can get comprehensive information on the phones of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan, announced his coordinates to the participants of the event.

Second-year student Tashpolatov Akramkhan proposed to exchange students between Universities of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan within the framework of the current academic mobility program of KSIU, to which Mr. Niyazhodzhayev replied that this is a very good idea and an urgent issue today. This issue is already being worked out at the level of the Embassies of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, that all the questions asked today will be worked out and that cooperation in terms of obtaining high-quality education services for students in Kazakh Universities will continue.


The press service of  KSIU

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15.11.2019, 15:14:59, Әкімшілік Categories: News