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The teaching staff of KIU took part in a seminar on “Corruption risks in universities”.

[Дата публикации: 11.11.2019, 09:58:26, published by: Әкімшілік]


As part of the implementation of the action plan “School of integrity” on November 8, 2019, the faculty and members of the student club “Sanaly Urpak” KIU participated in a seminar on ” Corruption risks in Universities.”

The purpose of this event is to reveal the concept and mechanisms of corruption risks, explain the legislative framework for combating corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the reasons and conditions that contribute to it, and discuss measures to prevent corruption at the University.

During the seminar, the presentation material was demonstrated, as well as the following issues were considered:

1) Тhe main forms and methods of formation of anti-corruption culture in Karaganda industrial University.

2) “Corruption risks and anti-corruption measures” on management management and academic specifics of Karaganda industrial university.

3) Information on the results of an anonymous survey of the Youth wing


The seminar was organized by the Dean of the “School of integrity” of KIU-Kapasheva Zhania Kudaibergenovna and legal adviser Shalbarbayev Olzhas Mukazhanovich.

Kapasheva Zh. told the participants about the conducted anti-corruption risk analysis of the Karaganda industrial university, recalled the main directions of anti-corruption strategy of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 years, the anti-corruption Program of the party “Nur Оtаn” for 2015-2025 and action Plan for reducing everyday corruption in Karaganda region, highlighted a range of measures, ranging from legislative initiatives and to work on the formation of anticorruption culture and education implemented in recent years in our University.

Summarizing the event, it was noted that the successful implementation of the anti-Corruption strategy of KIU will create a solid foundation for the younger generation and will become the main measure of success, high achievements, knowledge and material well-being.

The press service of  KIU.

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11.11.2019, 09:58:26, Әкімшілік Categories: News