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Teaching and professorial staff of the university studied the information system «PARAGRAPH»

[Дата публикации: 15.11.2019, 16:24:05, published by: Әкімшілік]


November 15, 2019 on the platform of Karaganda state industrial university for the teaching and professorial staff and students of the university legal counsel Shalbarbayev Olzhas Mukazhanovich was organized and held a seminar on information system “PARAGRAPH”. The lecturer of the event was Panfilova Larisa Viktorovna-client manager of the regional representation of the information system “PARAGRAPH” in Karaganda region. Also, the event was attended by members of the student club “Sanaly urpaq” KSIU.

Information system “PARAGRAPH” is a unique reference system that combines several information blocks – from specific to lawyers, accountants and physicians, to the daily reference information needed by each person. This includes addresses and phone numbers of government agencies, utilities, organizations working in the social sphere and the service sector, and more.

Information system “PARAGRAPH” has replaced the authoritative and truly popular reference system on the legislation of Kazakhstan “Lawyer”.

Previously, the company “Infotech&Service” have been selling and servicing SPS “LAWYER”, which was aimed at lawyers and accountants. After studying the needs of customers, the company decided to expand the range of information offered and include new information blocks in the system.

This innovation was dictated by the more demanding requests of the company’s customers and, we can say, the dictates of the time. Today, users want to receive fresh and complete information that will allow them not only to do a better job, but also to know more about their rights.

For ten years of the existence the system “Lawyer” turned into a powerful information complex without which now any serious enterprise does not manage, many experts do not represent without it the work.

For ten years we have been continuously moving forward, constantly developing and improving the content and software system, responding to the ever-growing demands of users of the system. And now the time has come when we realized that the system “Lawyer” in terms of its development and content has outgrown itself. New kits appeared in the system: first, “Accountant”, “Business reference”, “Who is who in Kazakhstan”, and  the complex “Medicine”.

All this information was already difficult to fit into the brand “Lawyer “, and the software complex required improvement to meet new requirements.

That is why more than a year ago we started work on the creation of a new information system “PARAGRAPH”. The result of this work, we today, with great pride, want to share with You, our friends and partners.

Information system “PARAGRAPH” has absorbed all the best from its predecessor, the system “Lawyer”, moreover, the system “Lawyer” in an updated form has become one of the blocks of the system “PARAGRAPH”. At the same time, the “PARAGRAPH” system is a complex of completely new information and technological solutions that establish a higher level of standards for the presentation of business information.

Larisa Viktorovna Panfilova told about all this. The seminar participants thanked Panfilova L. V. for interesting and informative information, for the opportunity to acquire practical skills in the “PARAGRAPH” system.


The press service of  KSIU

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15.11.2019, 16:24:05, Әкімшілік Categories: News