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[Дата публикации: 15.11.2019, 16:18:26, published by: Әкімшілік]


The closing ceremony of the XII Presidential Olympiad was held in Karaganda state industrial university on November 15, 2019 and the names of the winners were named.The Olympiad has been held since 2008 on the personal instructions of the First President, Leader of the nation of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Its main idea is to identify and support talented children, education of patriotic spirit, strong, intellectual, highly educated Kazakh schoolchildren, in-depth study of natural and mathematical Sciences. Traditionally, the Olympiad is held within the framework of events dedicated to the Day of the First President and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

According to the results of the first round, 399 school graduates from all regions of the country took part in the remote stage of the Olympiad, which was held on-line. 173 participants were admitted to the final stage of the Olympiad, 171 schoolchildren took part.

In order to ensure maximum transparency all rounds of the Olympiad were broadcast on the website of  Karaganda state industrial university kgiu.kz. and on the accounts of Republican scientific and practical centre  “Daryn” daryn.kz and online.

By the decision of the jury members 12 participants were awarded diplomas of the I degree and gold medals, diplomas of the II degree and silver medals-15 participants, diplomas of the III degree and bronze medals-20 participants.

The best results are traditionally among the graduates of Almaty – out of 19 participants, 13 became winners (I-3; II-6; III-4).

JSC “NISH” (Nazarbayev intellectual school )- 8 participants from them 7 prize-winners (I-3; II-2; III-2)

Pavlodar region – 12 participants including 6 winners (I-3; II-1; III-2).

Almaty region – 12 participants, 3 winners (I-1; III-2).

West Kazakhstan region – 6 participants, 3 winners (I-1; III-2.

Zhambyl region – 9 participants, 3 winners (II-1; III-2).

North Kazakhstan region – 8 participants, 2 winners (II-1; III-1).

Turkestan region – 8 participants, 2 winners (II-2).

Nur-Sultan city-7 participants, 2 winners (I-1; III-1).

The highest number of points scored 5 graduates:

  • Specialized school-Lyceum №90, Almaty, Chervaneva Christina;

* Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics Taraz-Kalmakhanbet Alikhan;

* specialized Lyceum №20 for gifted children with training in three languages of Almaty region-Ybyray Eskendir;

* Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics in Uralsk-Kim Maxim;

  • Regional specialized school-Lyceum-boarding school “Bilim-innovation” for talented children, oral – Mirzabaiyli Imangali.

The organizing Committee of the Presidential Olympiad annually, includes representatives of the Ministry of education and science, its subordinated organizations, education authorities, the Council of rectors of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. The jury consists of scientists from leading domestic and foreign universities, former winners of international Olympiads.

Participation in the Presidential Olympiad gives future graduates of Kazakhstan schools the opportunity to fully realize themselves, show their abilities, deepen knowledge, increase interest in subjects of natural and mathematical direction. Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad have a preferential right to receive an educational grant in higher educational institutions of the Republic.

Congratulations to all participants and managers on the successful completion of the Olympiad!


The press service of  KSIU

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15.11.2019, 16:18:26, Әкімшілік Categories: News