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KSIU strengthens international cooperation with Italy

[Дата публикации: 20.11.2019, 15:26:03, published by: Әкімшілік]


In the period from November 15 to 20, 2019, the guests of honor from Italy, professor Link Campus University, vice-rector for internationalization of NKSU named. M. Kozybaeva Alessandro Figus and Italian language teacher at the Leonardo da Vinci Center Ludovico De Serio.

The purpose of the visit was to expand international cooperation with Italian universities, as well as to consider the issue of joint participation in international programs, including the Erasmus + program.

On November 15, a tour of KGIU was held for guests, during which production sites and unique laboratory equipment were demonstrated. The guests visited the Regional Center of the Cisco Networking Academy and the SOTSBI Information and Communication Center, 3D Engineering Factory and Festa Laboratory, Electronic Microscopy and Nanotechnology Engineering Laboratory, as well as the Metallurgy Training and Research Center, where guests were able to familiarize themselves with  the pilot industrial site “Metallurgical Processes” and existing models of the full cycle of blast furnace and converter production.

In the framework of the international project “Erasmus +”, from November 18 to 20, Professor PhD Alessandro Figus delivered a series of training lectures to the students of our university on the course “European Union Law and Organization and the approach to the international diplomacy”.

On November 19, Professor Alessandro Figus, together with the teacher Ludovico De Serio, held a seminar for representatives of the faculties of KGIU, the theme of which was to consider the issue of joint participation in international programs and in the Erasmus + program.

Summing up the meeting, the guests expressed their gratitude and noted that the meeting was very fruitful. An open, interested dialogue took place between representatives of KGIU University and Italian guests. Of course, this will give a new impetus to the further development of education and science, the organization of systemic relations and mutually beneficial international cooperation.

I would like to note that our university has a very rich history, as well as solid experience in research work in metallurgy, energy, engineering, construction, economics, business and IT-technologies. He is actively working to establish international relations in research and educational activities and is constantly strengthening partnerships with foreign colleagues, both in the framework of existing educational programs and in the long term.


Press Service of  KSIU.

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20.11.2019, 15:26:03, Әкімшілік Categories: News