“Ultimately, Kazakh education and science are faced with a large-scale, urgent task - not just to keep up with new trends, but to be one step ahead, to generate trends.”

K.K. Tokayev

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For the period of 50 years Karaganda Industrial University, founded in 1963, has become one of the leading higher ...

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[Дата публикации: 07.11.2019, 17:00:48, published by: Әкімшілік]


On November 7, 2019, Karaganda state industrial university held a round table meeting with representatives of Cintana Education (USA): Head of the region MENA PhD Wadiah Atiyah, Jeny Orlova and representatives of Kazakhstan universities.

Wadiah Atiyah has extensive experience in the United States and abroad in establishing and managing universities, strategic vision and mission planning for academic institutions, creating and developing innovative academic programs, managing quality assurance, shaping accreditation life cycles, creating private public partnerships, and managing investments.

In addition to foreign guests, the meeting was attended by representatives of universities of Kazakhstan, such as ENU. L. N. Gumilyov: Seilov Shakhmaran Zhursinbekovich-President of the Kazakh Academy of info communication, Dean of the faculty of information technology, KarSU. E. A. Buketov:

Nusupbekov Bekbolat Rakhishevich-Vice-rector for academic affairs and Minaeva Elena Viktorovna-head of the Department of international cooperation.

The purpose of this meeting is to expand international cooperation with U.S. universities, create a single platform for the training of competitive personnel with higher and postgraduate education, improve the quality of scientific and educational activities in accordance with international standards.


– joint development and implementation of international programs in the field of science, innovative technologies, integration into the world scientific, educational and information system;

– joint development and promotion of innovative academic programs of double-degree education with U.S. universities;

– academic mobility of teaching staff and students of KSIU.

During the meeting, the guests of our University had a familiarization tour with the material and technical base. The delegation visited the Regional center of Cisco Networking Academy, Information and communication center “SOTSBI”, the lab-factory 3D engineering and Festa laboratories, the laboratory of engineering profile “electron microscopy and nanotechnology” educational and scientific production center “metallurgy”, where they could see the pilot site, “Metallurgical processes” and current models the full cycle of blast furnace and Converter production.

Following the meeting, the issues of improving the educational system in Kazakhstan, the development of academic and business strategies of universities, the creation of a single platform for the training of competitive personnel with higher and postgraduate education with us universities in the framework of double-degree education were discussed.

International cooperation is an integral part of the activity of Karaganda state industrial University, as one of the leading universities of the Republic, and an important tool in ensuring the quality of education in accordance with international standards, which is aimed at improving the position of our University in the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and further integration into the world educational and scientific community.

At the end of the event, the participants of the delegation agreed that this meeting will definitely serve as a new vector of long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation between domestic and foreign universities.


The press service of  KSIU.

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07.11.2019, 17:00:48, Әкімшілік Categories: News