[Дата публикации: 26.11.2019, 09:16:27, published by: Әкімшілік]
As part of the implementation of the action plan for the implementation of the Ruhani Gengyru program, more than 100 students of the Karaganda State Industrial University on November 22, 2019 took part in a training seminar devoted to the topics “Fundamentals of Youth Leadership” and “Fundamentals of Preparing Youth for Family Life”.
The main goal of this event was to form the participants’ understanding of family values in modern families, the ability to listen and give feedback, as well as the development of personal qualities that contribute to the formation of family values.
In the framework of this seminar, students received a lot of useful information on strengthening the values of marriage and family relations, on the formation and strengthening of family relations and on raising the institution of the family in Kazakhstan.
The relevance of the seminar is that in Kazakhstan the number of divorces is increasing every year. This is due to the fact that young people are not ready to create a family. In the first years of marriage, a young family also encounters psychological difficulties such as adaptation to living together, establishing a certain psychological distance with genetic families, learning new roles in connection with the birth of a child.
All these issues were highlighted during the workshop.
Our students actively participated in the training and came to the conclusion that it is in the family that the most important moral and moral attitudes of the person are formed. Parenting is inseparable from supporting family values, as the personality is formed in the family.
KSIU Press Service
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