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[Дата публикации: 22.10.2019, 12:03:40, published by: Әкімшілік]


From 9 to 18 October 2019 in the sport’s building of Karaganda state industrial university was held the annual Spartakiad “Freshman-2019”. This year the games were dedicated to the memory of public figure, doctor of economic Sciences Ibragimov Satybaldy. The main purpose of the event is to increase the interest of students in physical culture and sports, to form teams of the University in various sports, as well as to promote a healthy lifestyle among students. During  the week, on the sports grounds of the University there was an active struggle for supremacy between three teams of faculties of the University (“metallurgy and mechanical engineering”, “Economy and construction”, “Energy, transport and control systems”) and students of the Technical and economic college at KSIU in the following sports: volleyball, basketball, checkers, chess, togyz – kumalak, table tennis, football and sports and entertainment relay.

According to the results of the games places in 8 sports were distributed as follows:

Volleyball-9, 11 October 2019

Youths the 1st place — Faculty of Energy, transport and control systems

the 2nd place- Faculty of Economy and construction

the 3rd place Faculty of Metallurgy and mechanical engineering”,

Girls the 1st place Faculty of Economy and construction

the 2nd place- Technical and economic college

the 3rd place- Faculty of Metallurgy and mechanical engineering”,

Isin Rakhat was named  the best player

Basketball – October 10, 2019

1st place – Faculty of Energy, transport and control systems

2nd place- Faculty of Metallurgy and mechanical engineering

3rd place- Faculty of Economy and construction

Zhandildin Asanali  was named the best player

Football-October 14, 2019

1st place- Faculty of Economy and construction

2nd place- Faculty of Metallurgy and mechanical engineering

3rd place — Faculty of Energy, transport and control systems

Abyn Dinmukhamed was named the best player


Sports and entertainment relay.  — October 18, 2019

1st place- Faculty of Economy and construction

2nd place- Faculty of Metallurgy and mechanical engineering

3rd place — Faculty of Energy, transport and control systems

Personal chess championship — October 10, 2019.

Youths 1st place-Agabek E.-PI-19K

2nd place-Zholdasbek-PI-19-2

3rd place-Kuzmin V.-TOP 19

Girls 1 place-Temir G.-TFP-19-K -1

2nd place-Ermek K.-TFP-19-K 3

Personal championship in draughts-October 10, 2019.


1st place- Agabek E.-PI-19K

2nd place-Ilisbay A.-TFP-19K

3rd place – E. of MutalovE– PI – 19K


1st place-Khadyrbay U.-TFP-19K-3

2nd place-Mieyerdek N -PI-19K

3rd place-Abylkai-OMD-19K

Personal championship on togyz-kumalak -10 October 2019.


1st  place-Shukerkhan A.-MCHM-19K

2nd place-Abin Dinmuhamed-PI-19K

3rd place-Ybray Ablaikhan-TFP-19K


1st  place-Zazdravnykh Aisha-TEC

2nd place-Niyabek Aruzhan-TFP-19K

3rd place – Tolegeng Znanna – TFP – 19K

Personal table tennis championship-October 14, 2019.


1st place and 2nd place-Abin Dinmuhamed-PI-19K

3rd place-Kuttybay zhumahan-PI-19K


1st place – Diana Hafizova-UIA-19

Absolute champion recognized Khafizova Diana-UIA-19


The winners of the competitions were awarded with certificates and medals provided by the honored worker of sport of Kazakhstan, head of the Board sports community and sports veterans, Vice-President of the Federation of archery of Republic of Kazakhstan by Suymbaev Kemelbek Momynovich.

Spartakiad “Freshman” is held not in the first year, and during this time has become one of the brightest and most important corporate traditions. Variety of competitions, emotional rise, high intensity of wrestling promoted creation of the atmosphere of a holiday as the sports Contest bears a big positive charge not only to participants of competitions, but also to the audience.

Congratulations to all participants of the games with the successful completion of the competition!

We wish you new achievements and victories!

The press service of KSIU

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22.10.2019, 12:03:40, Әкімшілік Categories: News, Мероприятия