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Students of KSIU visited Karaganda regional Kazakh drama theatre named after Saken Seifullin

[Дата публикации: 10.10.2019, 09:15:16, published by: redactor]


On October 4, students of Karaganda state industrial University visited Karaganda regional Kazakh drama theater named after Saken Seifullin, which hosted the play “Adaskandar”. The primary goal of the organizers of the performance is the desire to convey to young viewers the reverse side of pseudo-religious radical ideology and how the substitution of traditional universal and national values for false romance ruthlessly destroys the lives of young people and their loved ones.

Playwright Kenes Zhumabekov’s play “Adaskandar” tells that some young people, not fully understanding the Islamic religion, incorrectly sets life priorities, leaves their country for wealth. And young people get up on this way under the influence of Islamist agitation, which are covered by real Muslims. As a result, they are disappointed, they are tormented by the fact that they have abandoned their families, relatives and friends. They see late, because the blood of innocent people is shed. But not everyone is destined to return home. The essence of the drama-you need to think through every step without making fatal mistakes.

The performance undoubtedly had a powerful emotional impact on the students. Thus, the student shared his emotions after watching this work: “the Plot of this production touches on a very acute and relevant topic for our time – the destructive essence of radicalism in religion and how it cripples the fate of young people. I can say that I had a great time and got a lot of useful knowledge.”

The performance was held at a high level. The masterful performance of the cast was able to show the degree of respect for parents, as well as to convey to the viewer the true goals of those who hide behind the religion “Islam” and follow radical trends. This work left a huge emotional mark on the guys after watching.

These events are held for KSIU students on a regular basis.

The press service of KSIU

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10.10.2019, 09:15:16, redactor Categories: News, Студенты