[Дата публикации: 15.10.2019, 15:43:50, published by: redactor]
October 15, 2019 at the North Kazakhstan state university named after M. Kozybaev was held the international scientific-practical conference “the Evolution of science in the modern world”.
The conference was attended by rectors, professors of Kazakh and foreign universities from France, Italy, Azerbaijan, Russia, Moldova and China, experts in the field of education, representatives of non-governmental organizations. On behalf of our university, the event was attended by the Vice-rector for scientific work and international relations of KSIU Aikeeva Altyn Amanzholovna.
Science in modern society plays an important role in many sectors and spheres of life. One of the main indicators of the development of society and modern development of the state is the level of development of science. Globalization has a significant impact on the field of science. In the context of globalization, the forms and methods of communication in science, the nature and methods of training of scientific personnel, as well as the content of scientific work are changing. New opportunities are opening up in cooperation and division of scientific work, including international cooperation.
During the meeting the following areas were discussed:
– Modern University as a center of education and science
– Digital technologies in the development of science
– Multi disciplinary approach in research
– Internationalization as a condition for the development of science in a modern University
– Pedagogical innovations: theory and practice.
The press service of KSIU
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