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World forum and exhibition of universities QS WORLDWIDE-2019

[Дата публикации: 19.09.2019, 10:24:23, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On September 19-20, al-Farabi Kazakh national University hosted the world forum and exhibition of universities QS WORLDWIDE-2019. The purpose and objectives of holding events of international scale, aimed at implementation of the state program “Rouhani ganguro,” improving the competitiveness of domestic higher education.

“QS WORLDWIDE “is one of the authoritative international events held by the British rating Agency”QS”. The forum is a global platform for the exchange of experience and discussion of prospects for the development of higher education and the formation of world-class universities, internationalization and improvement of the quality of education.

The founder of the consulting company “QS” Nunzio Quacquarelli speaking at the international conference “QS WORLDWIDE” held in 2018 in Moscow, stressed that Kazakhstan occupies the 37th place in the ranking of countries with the strongest education systems, and universities show a good progress in the international rankings.

The theme of the third world forum was “the Way to global heights: the harmony of human heritage and advanced technologies”.

The event was attended by over 800 academic leaders – University rectors, scientists and experts from more than 50 countries. Among them: representatives of the UN, UNESCO and other international organizations, world-known companies as Microsoft, the BBC, Elsevier, Springer, Nature, YODAK, AKSON; heads of universities comprising the top 800 of the international rating QS “World University Rankings”; the members of the SUN, USRN, international Association of ranking organizations and universities IREG Observatory, experts from the European network for accreditation of engineering education ENAEE.

The program of the international conference was very rich – there were plenary sessions, panel discussions, business meetings and signing of memorandums of cooperation. During these meetings there were discussions and development of a new model for the future development of universities in the framework of integration of education, science, advanced technologies and spiritual values.

Such a large-scale event testifies to the growing authority of the higher education system of Kazakhstan in the international arena. In addition, it will give a good impetus and will allow us to move to a qualitatively new high level of domestic higher education.

The press service of KSIU

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19.09.2019, 10:24:23, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News