In Karaganda Industrial University was held a single hour on the theme “Hour of honesty»
[Дата публикации: 02.09.2019, 15:15:55, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]
On September 2, 2019 in Karaganda industrial University was held a single hour on the theme “Hour of honesty”, in order to form and strengthen the student youth Patriotic values, honesty, decency and virtue.
The speakers conveyed to the audience basic information on the implementation of anti-corruption strategy of Kazakhstan for 2015-2025 years, the National Plan “100 steps” and overall General policy of the country aimed at the prevention of corruption, also explained to the students the basic provisions of the legislation on counteraction of corruption and on public service, the main stages of their formation and development.
Students of Karaganda industrial University unanimously expressed their views on the effectiveness of measures taken to combat corruption in KGIU, noted the importance of measures to prevent corruption, voiced proposals to improve the activities aimed at preventing corruption crimes in society.
The press service of KIU
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