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The way to the future begins with everyone

[Дата публикации: 23.09.2019, 17:17:44, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On September 18-19, students of Karaganda state industrial university took part in a two-day training seminar “The way to the future begins with everyone”, which was held in the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy in Nur-Sultan.

Within two days, our students took a course of lectures developed by leading researchers and Libraries of the Nation: the message of the First President of Kazakhstan N. And. Nazarbayev 2018 “New possibilities of development in the fourth industrial revolution, Growth of welfare of Kazakhstan: increase of income and quality of life,” article “Bolashakka Badar: Rouhani air” and “Seven faces of the great steppe”, and the book of the President “Era of independence”, as well as the President’s address K. K. Tokaev “Constructive public dialogue – the Foundation of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan”.

During the training, students not only listened to a course of lectures on the main program documents of the country, but also gained skills in the development of social projects, took part in a training on leadership development, got acquainted with the expositions of the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy and the National Museum of Kazakhstan.

– In the course of participation in the training seminar, we learned a lot of interesting and little-known facts from the history of our country and the life of Elbasy. It was very interesting to see the exhibits relating to his biography, labor and political activities. The lectures were very informative and easy to understand. Most importantly, we realized that for our future, and therefore for the future of Kazakhstan, we are responsible. We got new experience at trainings and practical classes, met with the guys from the West Kazakhstan state University, and we are very happy about it,-shared his impressions Kirill Villains, 2nd year student of the faculty of energy, automation and control of Karaganda state industrial University.

The hero of this meeting was a doctoral student of Nazarbayev University, co-founder and Director of the startup company “ReLive”, Vice-Chairman of the NGO “Alliance of young scientists” Beibit Abdikenov. Beibit specializes in data analysis and bioinformatics, currently developing a prognostic model for breast cancer. And the company “ReLive”, which he heads, offers modern robotic rehabilitation for patients after stroke and neurological disorders. The company’s innovative solution includes hardware and software for reading and recognizing brain signals, microcontroller and upper limb exoskeleton. The system allows you to mentally control the exoskeleton (artificial limbs), which will speed up the recovery process of patients. Currently, the prototype has passed the preliminary verification work and is fully operational.

The guest told the children about his path to science, urging them to learn and educate themselves, not to succumb to difficulties on the way to achieving the goal. The students asked a lot of questions, which Beibit gladly answered.

These two days were the most intense for the youth of our University. Students received new information about the history of our country, realized its inextricable connection with the present day. Children not only listened to lectures, but also had an opportunity to discuss with each other and lecturers. During the training part, students received valuable knowledge and skills that will further strengthen and develop their leadership qualities.

The training seminar “the Way to the future begins with everyone” showed the way, the direction in which our state is moving and all of us should move.

The organizers of the training seminar handed over certificates of participation to all participants. Inspired students sincerely thanked the leadership of the University And the library of Elbasy for the opportunity to participate in the training seminar and get the necessary knowledge and motivation for new heights in learning and ambitious projects.

The press service of KSIU


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23.09.2019, 17:17:44, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News