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Leadership asset KSIU participated in a regional seminar-training

[Дата публикации: 17.09.2019, 18:14:52, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On September 16-17, 2019 in Karaganda the Public Association “development Center” infiniti ” organized a set of training events, which included training seminars and master classes on the following topics: “Personal growth”, “Psychology of family relations”, “Public presentation” and “Effective time management”.

This event was organized with the support of the Ministry of information and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the grant project of the non-profit joint stock company “center for support of civil initiatives” on “a Set of measures for methodological support of youth and family policy”.

The two-day seminar was attended by employees and representatives of the youth resource center of Karaganda, the Committee on youth Affairs of regional universities, youth public associations of Karaganda region. Professional psychologists of the trainer were also invited for the purpose of qualitative and effective implementation of this social project.

The training was actively attended by 24 students of Karaganda state industrial University, members of the Committee on youth Affairs. In the theoretical part of the seminar participants learned about the various theories of leadership, types and qualities of the leader, as well as learned what exercises contribute to self-development and development of leadership qualities. In addition, students practiced important in modern life skills of teamwork, getting out of the” comfort zone”, the development of strategic thinking, proactivity. In the practical part of the students in a lively discussion discussed the issues and participated in group exercises that develop mindfulness, leadership skills, and team spirit.

At the end of the two-day training seminar, our active students were awarded certificates.

The press service of KSIU

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17.09.2019, 18:14:52, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News