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Information hour for the first year students

[Дата публикации: 10.09.2019, 10:18:18, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


September 9 in Karaganda state industrial University in order to adapt first-year students to the educational process and crime prevention was held a traditional information hour.

Successful adaptation of a freshman to the life of a higher educational institution is the key to the further development of each student as a person and as a future specialist.

Director of KSU” youth resource center of Temirtau ” Igembayev Adilbek told about the possibility of implementing new projects through various youth programs.

“The future of Kazakhstan, the foundations of which are laid in the present, is connected with the level of development of Kazakhstan’s youth, its integration into society. Only professionally educated, physically and morally healthy, competitive, Patriotic and socially responsible youth can provide Kazakhstan with prosperity and world recognition. In this regard, the task of the state is to adapt young people to the requirements of the time”- he said in his speech.

The next speaker was the police captain, chief WHIP of GUIP OMPS East OP UE Temirtau Askarova Aliya Beibutova. She instructed first-year students to observe the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In more detail acquainted with the basic laws and the consequences if they are not respected.

Director of the branch in Temirtau of the chamber of entrepreneurs of Karaganda region of Orazuli Aziz explained about the opportunities presented to young people and the novice businessmen. He wished all students to start their own business, and for the success of their endeavor to attend trainings of the chamber of entrepreneurs.

The topic of prevention of extremism and terrorism is one of the most relevant in the world. The head of the center for the study and analysis of problems of interfaith relations in Temirtau, Hamitov Yerzhan, advised to contact theologians and read books approved by the Mufti with questions about religion.

On employment and youth employment, told specialist of se “the center of employment of Temirtau” arynova Saniya Talgatovna. Acquainted freshmen about the possibility of seasonal employment. In addition, young people without work experience can find employment in enterprises of any form of ownership.

With the help of this event, students received information about the extracurricular life of students, motivation to obtain a profession; the opportunity to better know themselves and others, to acquire skills of successful communication, interaction with peers and teachers.

The press service of KSIU


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10.09.2019, 10:18:18, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News