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Corporate data security: best practices

[Дата публикации: 26.09.2019, 18:06:46, published by: redactor]


On September 20, Temirtau hosted for the first time the forum “Corporate data security: best practices” dedicated to topical issues and new solutions in the field of information security. The meeting was organized by JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”, Association of modern technologies of management and production, regional project office “rukhani zhangyru”.

The forum was attended by representatives of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine, the forum was attended by Vice-rector for academic Affairs Galina sivyakova. Among the moderators and speakers – representatives of the regional project office of the Program “rukhani zhangyru”, akimat of Temirtau, JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”, companies “Cisco”, “Cyberbit”, “IBM Kazakhstan”, “Softprom”, “TerraLink”, “Life2Win”, “TransTeleCom”, “Fortinet”, “Axxonsoft”, “Corporate Business Systems” and others.

The forum became a real platform for discussion of the level of development of cybersecurity and information security of information technologies in Karaganda region in particular and in Kazakhstan in General, assessment of prospects of expansion of use of such technologies for modernization of public consciousness. Temirtau was chosen as the venue of the Forum not by chance. First, the largest industrial enterprise – JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau” is located in the city.It participates in solving important social and economic problems of the region with the use of modern information technologies. Secondly, many current ideas and projects in the field of cybersecurity and information security started in the city of metallurgists.

– The issues that were raised today are relevant for everyone, including educational organizations. We gladly accepted the invitation of JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau”. We have a Memorandum of cooperation, we train young people. Therefore, we should be aware of what we need to consider when preparing students. Today at the forum I saw a lot of young people who are interested in what is happening in the world, defining for themselves the goals and objectives to be pursued. – Galina sivyakova, Vice-rector for academic Affairs of KGIU, shared her thoughts about the forum.

Speakers discussed topics such as digital literacy, protection of industrial networks, trends in cybersecurity.

At the end of the forum, Deputy financial Director of JSC “Arcelomittal Temirtau” Nestor Komarnitsky made a proposal to make it an annual event, all participants unanimously agreed to meet next year.

The press service of KSIU


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26.09.2019, 18:06:46, redactor Categories: News