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«Asyl sozdin arnasy»

[Дата публикации: 14.09.2019, 09:13:11, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


Abai’s legacy is a priceless treasure. Abay, arguing that ” poetry-the ruler of language…”, himself was master poetry,”son not only his father, his people, but and just humanity.”

In Karaganda state industrial University held a competition of expressive reading “Asyl sozdin arnasy”, devoted to 175 anniversary of the birth of Abai Kunanbaev. The event was organized by the Department of “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages”.

The purpose of the competition is to preserve and promote the literary heritage of the great Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev, the formation of a sense of patriotism among young people, belonging to the history of their people, identification and support of talented youth in the realization of their creative potential, education of artistic taste and familiarization of young performers with the best examples of national culture and art.

In this event, the contestants had to choose a number that would correspond to the serial number of the performance. Participants were invited to the stage by drawing lots. At the end of the official part of the event, smoothly moved to the most interesting part of the competition – reading favorite works.

All students who took part in the competition demonstrated excellent ability to tell poems expressively and with feeling. Each of them showed skill and understanding of what he reads, with all his heart empathizing with the lyrical hero.

The best of the best were Schaberger Armand PGS-19K, Achieva Zhazira DFT-19K-3, Alibek Erbolsyn DFT-19K-3, Sabyrbaeva Asel DFT-19K-1, Aibek Sarsenbaev PTSD-19ск, Tolegen Aerce DFT-19K-2, Side aika DFT-19K-2, bauirzhan Tanatarov PI-19ск and Abay Karas PI-19ск. At the end of the competition the most expressive awarded rector’s certificates and gifts from the trade Union of kgiu students.

The celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayev is one of the most important events in the modern history of independent Kazakhstan, aimed at deepening the historical consciousness of the people and all-round promotion of the spiritual culture of the country in a global format.

The press service of KSIU

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14.09.2019, 09:13:11, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News