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Senior lecturer in IR and SRS Kolesnikova Raisa Kasymovna was awarded the gold badge of akim of Temirtau city

[Дата публикации: 22.08.2019, 12:36:31, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On August 21, a solemn event was held in the akimat of Temirtau in honor of the day of sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On this day, for a special contribution to the development of sports in the city, a number of representatives of the sports sphere were awarded letters of thanks, diplomas and Golden signs of the mayor.

Senior lecturer in IR and SRS Kolesnikova, Raisa Kasymovna from among those who were awarded the Golden award of akim of Temirtau city for his enormous contribution to the development of sport. This high honor was awarded only 3 Temirtau.

The main task of the development of sport is not only to achieve certain victories, but also a number of goals in social terms: strengthening the moral and physical health of the nation, instilling the principles of a healthy lifestyle of our youth. Raisa Kasymovna from year to year makes a great contribution to the development of sports.

 We congratulate Raisa Kasymovna with a worthy reward!

The press service of the KSIU

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22.08.2019, 12:36:31, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News