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Unified national testing in KSIU

[Дата публикации: 26.06.2019, 17:31:13, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On a hot day in June, graduates of secondary schools in Temirtau came to take one of the most important exams in life – a Single national test. For participation in UNT filed all 518 applications, of which 496 participated in Kazakh – 202, Russian – 294.

June 26 on the square in front of Karaganda state industrial University from 7:00 hours gathered hundreds of 11-graders, as well as their families, teachers and Directors of educational institutions. Welcome speech was given to the rector of KSIU Zhautikov Bakhyt the Akhatovich:

“Today you are taking the first step on the path of adult life within the walls of Karaganda state industrial University. I wish you to successfully pass this crucial moment.”

To pass the unified national testing, 6 classrooms were involved, where video cameras were installed. Relatives and friends of graduates had the opportunity to observe the progress of the UNT through the monitors installed in the conference hall of the new building of KSIU. For those who could not attend in person thanks to a special service developed, could watch the online broadcast on the website of KGIU.

Almost four hours of waiting are over. And here come the first graduates with different emotions, some have a smile on their face, others, seeing relatives, can not hold back tears, and others are confident in their success.

The press service of KSIU

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26.06.2019, 17:31:13, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News