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[Дата публикации: 20.05.2019, 14:22:44, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]

  On May 19, the international half marathon Armanǵa Zhol 2019 was held in Karaganda, in which more than 6 thousand people took part.

The half marathon track Armanǵa Zhol is certified by AIMS (Association of International Half Marathon and Runs). This means that the half-marathon is included in the calendar of world sporting events, and the results shown on the track will be officially recognized by the International Association of Athletics Federations IAAF and will be able to influence the rating of professional athletes. Each participant who fulfills the norm can be assigned a sports category according to the uniform sports classification of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The half marathon route passed through the main streets of the city of Karaganda. Among the runners were pensioners, children, people with disabilities and even residents of other countries. Also on Independence Square for the audience was a sports and concert show. The following races were included in the competition program: “Armanga Zhol” – 21 km 97.5 m, “Dostyk” – 14 km, “Sputnik” – 7 km, “Balapan” (for children 8-13 years old) – 2 km, “ Nordic Walking ”- 7 km.

Students of our university take an active part in the half marathon for the third year in a row. And this year, despite the fact that, now undergoing examination session, students of EE 18k – Satybergen Merey, Meyramalі Adilet, Shinarhanov Nurlan, Tozhіbaev Bokhodir, Zhamauhan Dauletkazy students group TTT&T-15k – Sesenbay Kanat, Zharylқasyn Arman, college students Fuel and Energy Complex – Leonov Danil and Burlyaev Vitaly found time to participate in an international sporting event. Among the rivals were professional athletes who have a lot of past marathons behind their backs. Our students demonstrated an excellent competitive spirit, good athletic training, thus were awarded with personal certificates and medals.

The main prizes of the half marathon – one million tenge – went to foreign runners. The second time Vladislav Pryamov from Gomel became the champion of Armanǵa Zhol. On the track, he ran on a par with Kazakhstani Mikhail Krasilov, but at the finish line the Belarusian marathon runner managed to beat his opponent by 7 seconds. In the women’s 21 km race, Daria Maslova from Bishkek was in the lead.

Press service of KSIU

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20.05.2019, 14:22:44, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News