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[Дата публикации: 18.04.2019, 17:27:17, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On April 18, 2019, the traditional job fair “Graduate-2019” was held in Karaganda State Industrial University.

The event was attended by representatives of enterprises and organizations of Kazakhstan who are interested in the development of their companies, the influx of fresh forces, new specialists, oriented in the rapidly changing technological world of today. Among them are ArcelorMitall Temirtau JSC, Kentau Transformer Plant JSC, Temirtau Electrometallurgical Plant JSC, JIB Recruitment Temirtau LLP, KazTemirStroy LLP, Avangard-Stroy LLP, Kazenergomash Corporation LLP, Bassel Group LLS ”,“ Karaganda flour mill ”LLP, the largest banks of Kazakhstan, KSIU“ Center of employment of the population of Temirtau ”and others.

The goal of the fair is to bring together the interests of employers and graduates seeking work. For businesses, this is a unique opportunity to select promising, young professionals from among the best graduates of the university. For students, this is a happy occasion to introduce themselves to potential employers.

The solemn part of the event was held in the assembly hall of the new building of KSIU. The students were addressed by the General Director of Railways Systems KZ LLP Akhanko Sergey Nikolaevich and the president of the Association for the Promotion of Private Enterprise in Kazakhstan, the deputy of the Temirtau city maslikhat Vladimir Anatolyevich Bykov.

Further, participants were able to communicate directly with employers and obtain the necessary information about vacancies. Many employers who were seriously interested in updating their staff, accepting resumes, asked questions and gave practical recommendations.

“Everything is organized very well. I got acquainted with the proposed vacancies, with some I had a preliminary interview. She has not studied everything yet, but already noted something. Before that, she planned to go to another city, but now I’ll think about it ”one of the graduates shared her opinion.

According to graduates who participated in the fair, such events are very productive. Job fair – a great chance to find a job for a serious company or organization.

After the end of the work of the fair, a round table was held with the participation of employers, deans and leading university lecturers, which addressed the current problems of employing young professionals and their adaptation to the labor market, the issues of maintaining close cooperation between enterprises and the university.

The graduation of specialists is always a great event for our university. We hope that the graduates of 2019 will become worthy followers of the traditions of the university, will contribute to the prosperity of our republic.

Press service of KSIU

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18.04.2019, 17:27:17, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News