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[Дата публикации: 05.04.2019, 18:40:43, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On April 5, 2019, KSIU held the traditional annual beauty contest, grace and talent “Miss KSIU 2019”. The purpose of the competition is to form students’ culture of behavior, active position, desire for art, social responsibility, ability to behave on the stage.

Before taking part in the competition, students were preparing hard for the performance. Rehearsals took place almost every day,  and closer to the date of the concert, every day.

The competition was attended by 7 students. The girls demonstrated their talents in three tests: a business card, a creative contest and the final outlet in evening dresses.

Evaluated performances of the contestants of the jury, which included:

  • Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Erasmus + Amenova Aliya Alihanovna;
  • Actor and presenter Beketov Berdakh;
  • The winner of the contest “Miss KSIU-2018” Bazarbekova Venus;
  • Showman, head of the CSM-Zhaidarman league Yeldos Arystanuly;
  • Lecturer of the department “Metallurgy and Materials Science” Talisat Zhuniskaliev.

In the “Business Card” competition, the girls revealed their individuality, presenting themselves with the help of a slide presentation or a video, accompanied by a vocal number or a theatrical mini-performance.

The most interesting was the creative competition, where each participant demonstrated their talents.

Thе first participant went to Abaykhanova Anel with a modern dance. Under a powerful bat with a bat in his hand, Anel literally blew up the hall with her dances. The highlight of the dance was its plasticity, namely at the end of her performance during the dance she sat on the splits.

The next participant Alpysbayeva Anelia introduced the dance of the swan. Anelia came out in a white dress with swan wings, showing graceful and harmonious swans in the dance. The dance itself reflected the symbol of purity, the majesty of nobility and beauty.

Participant at number 3 Smagulova Alisa presented the exotic dance “Peacock”. With her light and soft movements, she expressed subtle feelings and excellent plasticity, imitating the movements of the peacock.

The fourth came out participant Madken Aliya with oriental dance. Demonstrated the hypnotizing movements of prisoners in modesty and simplicity. Participant at number 5 Zhetpisbayeva Akerke gave the audience a beautiful Kazakh dance.

The next speaker was Agarys Akbot with a poetic work of her own composition, which she dedicated to the memory of the 5 girls who were killed during the fire in Astana this February.

The last participant was Toktarbayeva Gulnur, who prepared a poetic work for the contest. After a minute pause, Gulnur and her partner danced a beautiful waltz.

The final stage of the competition was the traditional way out in evening gowns.

Candidates for Miss KSIU-2019 had incredible energy, radiated light and positive on the stage, which is probably why it was so interesting to watch them. The concert, which the audience was lucky to see, left a lot of positive emotions.

The jury members had to evaluate how the participants served themselves on the stage, the culture of speech, originality and individuality of the performance. The worthy title of “Miss KSIU-2019” was unanimously agreed by the jury members to be Agarys Akbota, a first-year student of the specialty MS&TNM.

The first vice-miss was Smagulova Alisa, a first-year student “Materials Science and Technology of New Materials”;

Miss Originality – Abaykhanova Anel, a 2nd year student at the Technical and Economic College at KSIU in Management;

Miss Creativity – Toktorbaeva Gulnur, 1st year student in the specialty “Technological machines and transport”;

Miss Talent – Madken Aliya, 1st year student, Faculty of Construction and Economics;

Miss Charming – Zhetpisbayeva Akerke, 1st year student, Faculty of Construction and Economics;

Koktem aruy – Alpysbayeva Anelia, 1st year student in the specialty “Automation and Control”.

All participants were awarded diplomas and gifts from the university management.

The Committee on Youth Affairs and the student parliament of the University express their deep gratitude to the Chairperson of the trade union committee of students of KSIU Karipbaeva Aizhan Ryskeldinovna for help in organizing the competition and excellent gifts to the participants.

Press service of KSIU

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05.04.2019, 18:40:43, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News