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[Дата публикации: 29.04.2019, 12:19:43, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On April 26, an evening of poetry titled “Sozge аtanat bіtken tun …” organized by the department “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages” was held at the Karaganda State Industrial University.

The poetry evening featured works by the talented Kazakh poet Baurzhan Karagyzuly, who is twice the winner and winner of the Grand Prix of the International Festival of Creative Youth “Shabyt” with the support of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev and UNESCO, the author of the book “Zhambaktaska Zhaukan k. “. Man Түс. »,« Жүрек кітабы »,« Топырық демі »which were translated into English, Spanish, Korean, Turkish, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Chinese and Mongolian languages.

The guests of honor of the evening were the editor-in-chief of the republican portal “Debiet”, the novelist-writer Nurlan Havdai, the famous showman, the editor-scriptwriter of the theater “Bazar zhok”, “KTA”, “іzil alemі” Bayanda Sahariyauly, the famous kyuishi, the winner of the international competition named after Kurmanga , laureate of republican competitions Dauletkerey, Alshekei, Kali Zhantleyov, Karshyga Akhmedyarov, laureate of competitions of performers named after Azidolla Yeskaliyev and in the style of “Baizhum”, winner of many kyuis Kadyrkulov Zhumabek Boranbaevich, winner of many republican and national competitions poet Umtyl Zarykkan. Also, the young poets of the city of Temirtau Adilet Chopin, Tansaule Agenovna, the faculty and students of the university delighted the guests of the evening.

Opening the event, the Deputy Dean of KSIU, Master of Arts, literary critic Kapasheva Zhaniya Kudaibergenovna noted that this evening is held as part of the program “Ruhani Zhangyru”, timed to coincide with the Year of Youth.

The evening of poetry was divided into three blocks “Eh, Omіr! X-Life”, “Kіrpіkke moldіrep kреpy tyndy …, Topy dem”, the first two blocks were prepared by students and teachers of the university for the guests of the evening, and the third block was at the disposal of the guests of the evening.

During the evening, the poet’s verses were read, questions were asked, the conversation with the poet was friendly. A student named Serjan from the hall- Bauyrzhan aha, the students who are now sitting in front of you are those who study technical specialties. We wrote one of your works in the language of modern SMS messages. Could you read the poetry hidden in these emoticons that came to your mind? – there were such unexpected appeals. Also the poet together with the students sang the song.

Next, the students read poems, reflecting the poet’s soul in the image of six beauties, in the specialty “Automation and Control” by Alpysbayeva Anelia – “Syy Dedim …”, Kurbanbai Perizat – “Kyzygyy Korgynyty shy Kundery ”, student of the specialty“ Transport, transport equipment and technologies ”Altynbek Akbota -“ Kt-Kel ”, future experts in“ Materials science and technology of new materials ”Agarys Akbota -“ Menin Nozik Janym Ushin ”, Toleu Uldana -“ Bolashatan Kelgen Hut ”, The seventh graduate student of the specialty “Metallurgy” Alimkhan Darkhan with the poem “Bourin sabir eshi, shyda, zheny!”.

Then the head of the department “Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages”, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Nurziya Abdikarimovna spoke:

– In modern Kazakh poetry, young poets write “strange.” The question arises, what is the secret of “strangeness”. As in modern poetry, the poetic “material” penetrates completely into the form and is published as a “paradox”. In this regard, analyzing how the poetry of today’s youth is “intellectual poetry”, young people should have the same level of intelligence in order to read, comprehend and feel the poetry written for the development of rational knowledge and social consciousness.

At the end of the evening, the guests expressed their wishes, read the poems of Bauyrzhan Karagyzuly, expressed their opinions about his work. Also, at the request of the students, they were able to listen to the work “Topyrah dem”, which he read in Turkey, and was translated into 14 languages.

Professor of Karaganda State Industrial University, MD, scientist Amanzholov Iztileu Amanzholovich summed up the evening of poetry, read the poem of Bauyrzhan Karagyzuly, published in the newspaper “Zhas Alash”, and was very happy to meet with the poet today.

Poet Bauyrzhan Karagyzuli thanked the rector of KSIU, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zhautikov Bakhyt Akhatovich, who gave the opportunity to organize such an evening, noted that the evening of poetry was held in a special format and highly appreciated the special interest in poetry from students studying technical fields.

Guests of the evening were given letters of appreciation on behalf of the rector of Karaganda State Industrial University.

Press service of KSIU

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29.04.2019, 12:19:43, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News