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[Дата публикации: 16.04.2019, 17:02:16, published by: Баспасөз-орталығы]


On April 16, within the framework of the program “Rukhani zhangyru” and the year of youth, a cognitive and educational meeting “QARTTARYM-ASYL QAZYNAM” with teachers — veterans of KSIU was held.


The first President Nursultan Nazarbayev, in his article “Looking to the future: Ruhani zhangyru” written two years ago, said: “on the path of modernization, we must be the receivers of our ancestors, and revive the good qualities that flow in our veins.” The main purpose of today’s meeting is to promote national traditions and values, such as love, respect, forgiveness, faith between family and spouses. An example of this for our students was the teachers-veterans of our university who entered the threshold of 80 years old  Serikbayev Seilbek and Asylbekova Raushan.

In their speech, they told about the 50-year life together, also noted that love is the love of a child for parents, family, brothers, native land, profession and work.

Poet Ruza Aldasheva in her speech: “If you look back and given that without the past there will be no present, and without the present there will be no future, we often say that true lovers will never be together.” How true is that? What do we know about characters such as Kyz Zhibek and Tolegen, Bayan Sulu and Kozy-Korpesh, Enlik-Kebek, estay and Korlan? What thoughts visit us from the history of Aisha Bibi and Karahan, from the unique love of estay and Korlan?”asking such questions encouraged the students to open dialogue and at the end read a passage from a poem by Mukhtar Shakhanov “Miracles of love”.

Students read poems of Abay, Mukagali and young poets about love.

Invited chief Imam of Temirtau Central Mosque Zhanbolat Koshkeldiyev spoke about how the current youth builds a family, about their duties and responsibilities, shared sayings that instill morality, honesty and love in students.

Students looked at the photos, telling about the life of the main characters of the meeting and took pictures with them for memory.

Seilbek Agay specially performed the song for students.

At the end of the meeting, head of the Department of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages of KSIU candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor Nurzia Abdikarimovna thanked the guests and noted that ” a person can not be taught to be happy, but you can bring up so that he became happy.” Therefore, such events are of great importance, leave indelible impressions and unique emotions among students.


The press service of KSIU


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16.04.2019, 17:02:16, Баспасөз-орталығы Categories: News